Gloucester - Closure 


/gloucester_memorial.jpg When Glouscester closed in 1972, this memorial plaque was dedicated to those who served there. Click on image to enlarge.  (Photo credit unknown)   

On a hot, sunny afternoon on 25 June 2005, a large number of people gathered to witness the dedication of a cairn to the men and women who trained or served at Gloucester. It was the highlight of the annual Ottawa Oldtimers annual reunion which was attended by approximately 185 people in 2005.

In attendance were:

Master of Ceremonies: Ren Molnar
CFIOG Commander (designate) Col J. Turnbull
CFS Leitrim Commanding Officer LCol R. Mazzolin
Mr. G. Fraser (LCdr ret'd) representing SUPRAD Old-timer's Association Greely, ON.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #627 President Ivan Wyman
Reverend Maude Parsons-Horst Cairn Committee: {there was a substitute}
Chairman - Morley McAllister
Members - Don Cameron - Lynn Wortman - Del Franson - CWO Brian Kebic - Ed Collins - Gerry Burton

On hand were two special women who served at Gloucester during WWII: Wren Elsa Lessard who spent a short time in Gloucester before assigned to Coverdale and Wren Dorothy Schuthe (pronounced as 'shootey') who remained in Gloucester until the end of the war.

On completion of the ceremonies, everyone was welcomed to the Greely Royal Canadian Legion Branch #627 for a reception.

Wrens Dorothy Schuthe (L) and  Elsa Lessard.  (Photo by Jason Ransom, Ottawa Sun)

 (Click to enlarge)

glo_carin_s.jpg Elsa and Dorothy hold their hands on the plaque . Symbolically, their gesture can represent the hands of every Wren copying Morse code or  tuning a radio receiver or working a DF set at Gloucester and other listening posts during WWII. (Photo by Jason Ransom, Ottawa Sun)

The WRENS formed the nucleus of the personnel who served at DF stations such as Gloucester and Coverdale. They were forbidden to talk about what they did or where they worked between February 1943 and May 1945. With the passage of time, there's  little left to identify their former workplaces so WRENS don't  hesitate to talk about their days as radio operators at top-secret listening posts during the latter years of World War II. 

/rrp2/gloucester_plaque_s.jpg This is the unobstructed view of the plaque. Click on thumbnail to enlarge. (Photo by Jeremy Kuzub) 

Elsa Lessard (L) and Dorothy Schuthe  in front of the cairn. The land beneath the cairn was leased by the Legion to the Cairn Committee for the sum of one dollar for a 99 year lease. (Photo by Lynn Wortman)

Plaque Information

NRS 1943 - 1950
HMCS 1950 - 1966
CFS 1966 - 1972

CGI (spelled out in Morse code)
Knowledge Through Discipline

Opened in 1943 as a Naval Radio Station utilizing High Frequency Direction Finding (HFDF) to aid in the combat against German U-boats in WWII, Gloucester evolved into a military Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) communication and training establishment.

This monument is dedicated to the men and women who trained and served at this site. Their many contributions to the security of this nation must never be forgotten.

In War or Peace, it matters not, the mission does not change.

Dorothy Robertson served at No.1 Station during WWII.  As she appeared at the Gordon  Head Reunion in 2001. (Photo courtesy Dorothy Robertson)

Sunday June 25, 2006 saw the 1st Annual Gloucester Carin Dedication. Irene McLean (Carter) was the 2006 honoree.

(L-R) Wayne Moore, Mayor Bob Charelli (Mayor of Ottawa) , Dorothy Schuthe, Elsa Lessard and  Morley McAllister who was the organizer of the Gloucester Cairn project.. (Photo by Jerry Proc)

Jerry Proc and Elsa Lessard at the carin. (Photo by Ray White)
Cdr D.S.K. Blackmore was responsible for having this beautiful entrance to Gloucester built in 1959. The main gate is further from the back of the sign. Compare it to the 2006 image below.  (Photo from the collection of D.S.K. Blackmore. Submitted by his daughter Donna Loewen <donnaern(at)>) 
Above and below: The entrance as seen on May 22, 2006. Near the right center of the above photo is the stone cairn dedicated in 2005 to the men and women who trained and served at Gloucester. (Photos by David Smith)
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Sept 28/18