HMCS Gloucester - Wartime Facilities

Click photo to enlarge
glo_ward_ca_f945.jpg Wardroom and Cafeteria buildings,  October 1945. (Photo via Don Cameron) 
/glo_mens_cafeteria_oct1945.jpg Men's cafeteria , October 1945 (DND file photo) 
glo_garagaccomd_1945_s.jpg Garage and Men's Accommodation, October 1945. (Photo via Don Cameron)
/glo_ops_bldg_oct_945.jpg Operations Building in October 1945. (DND photo submitted by Doug Stewart)

The short lattice tower at the left appears to be fitted with a Canadian  Marconi MDF-5 DF loop antenna while the tower second from the right has a Canadian Marconi FM12 DF aerial outfit. 

The guy wires which support the stripped masts are separated into non resonant lengths by the use of egg insulators.  The idea is not to have any section of guy wire at or near the  resonance point of the operating frequency or any of its harmonics. This prevents the re-radiation of RF energy by the guy wires when transmitting or the absorption of RF energy when receiving. Note the dark, elevated service line attached to the left upper portion of the building.

The following undated photos may be from 1945 or circa 1960.
The Dental Office was located in the west wing of the Accomodation Block.
The Sick Bay was located in the west wing of the Accomodation Block.
This was a typical cabin for a Leading Seaman and below. 
Above are  DND file photos

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Sept 20/21