Gloucester - Memorabilia
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Jacket patch image provided by Eric Earl, KG4OZO
Another version of the Gloucester jacket patch. (From the collection of Michael Walker)
(Click to Enlarge)
glo_qslcard_s.jpg Amateur Radio: The QSL card of the Gloucester Amateur Radio Club.

Doug Stewart recalls. " The initial VE3GLO transmitter was located in one of our classrooms  It was a small unit of  "bread board" construction, built with two tank coils that could be interchanged thus providing operation  on the 20 meter and 40 meter bands. RF output was checked by dragging a lead pencil across the tank coil, being careful  that the other end of pencil was not in contact with the palm of the hand. We probably used a Hammarlund SP600 receiver at the time since it was just being introduced into service".

(VE3GLO QSL submitted by Spud Roscoe)

glo_paradesquare_2003_s.jpg Former parade square at Gloucester as it appeared on June 18, 2003.  The stubby white object near the middle right is all that remains of the flag mast. That mast is now standing at the Thomas Fuller and Sons property at 2700 Queensway, Ottawa. Fuller, who was a Canadian naval officer in WWII, served in the Adriatic and had achieved a legendary reputation in the annals of the RCN. He was a member of the Thomas Fuller family that constructed the Parliament buildings and many other prominent sites in the Ottawa area.  As one travels on the Queensway, just across from the Ikea Pinecrest Shopping Centre, the mast can be seen in all its glory alongside an antique steam shovel. (Photo by Spud Roscoe)


A copy of the mast from Gloucester now stands at Thomas Fuller Construction Ltd (1958) in the west end of Ottawa facing Highway 417 directly across from IKEA. (Photo by David Smith) 
In 1859 architects Fuller and Jones designed Canada's original Parliament Buildings. Thomas Fuller later became supervising architect for all projects on Parliament Hill and from 1881 to 1897 was Chief Architect for the Dominion of Canada. His son, Thomas W. Fuller, was also appointed Chief Architect in 1927 and designed many notable public buildings throughout Canada. Thomas W. Fuller's son, Thomas G. Fuller won his first tender as a general contractor in 1939 and spent more than 50 successful years in the building industry.

Captain Thomas George Fuller was a highly decorated naval officer in the RCN who served in four different navies during WWII.  He held the distinction of the longest amount of time spent in offensive action by a Canadian. This officer earned the name "Pirate of the Adriatic" for his Nelson-like tactics that revolutionized small boat warfare during his exploits in the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean Seas. Commanding a squadron of motor torpedo boats, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross on three occasions. Following the war, Capt. Fuller built his construction and real estate business into one of Canada's most successful enterprises. He also found time to convert the steam tug G. B. Pattee II into the magnificent square rigger the "Black Jack" in 1952.  Today, Thomas G. Fuller’s sons, William, Mark, Anthony, and Simon are active in the Fuller group of companies and in continuing the Fuller tradition of building excellence.

Ray White provides provides some background on how the flags were flown on this mast. "The normal routine was that we flew the White Ensign at the gaff, that is the part that pointed upwards at 45º from the mast.  No other flag flew from the gaff until the Canadian Maple Leaf Flag was inaugurated in 1965. We flew the Union Jack as a masthead ensign (ie, at the very top of the mast) on special ceremonial occasions, such as commemorating a royal event etc.  Every year on Dec 11th, we flew the Union Jack at the masthead to honour the Statute of Westminster, the law that was signed in 1931 making important constitutional changes for Canada, Australia and New Zealand. (it was the first steps of independence, so to speak). We would also fly national flags of other countries at the masthead on, say, their national day or a visit of the their head of state to Canada. I remember seeing the Stars and Stripes one or twice, and, of course, the Irish Republic’s flag on St Patrick’s day.  On the starboard yardarm we would fly special pennants, such as admirals’ pennants but can’t recall seeing the port yardarm used for anything. The Red Ensign was also flown as a masthead ensign on Dominion Day,  now called Canada Day".


Photo by Jerry Proc
Photo by Jerry Proc
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Photo by Jerry Proc
Submitted by Terry Whalley
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Submitted by Terry Whalley
 Photo by Jerry Proc
This space reserved for CFS Bermuda . 
These booklets, around 16 pages in size,  described the station, its heritage and the ship's badge if applicable. There was usually a welcoming message  at the beginning of the book from the Commanding Officer.  For Gloucester, the course syllabus was also listed. For a number of reasons, not all rates received a booklet when they were posted from station to station or even assigned to their first station.

This is all that is left of Gloucester in this satellite view. Only the gymnasium and the parade square are left and the parade square is fast disappearing as of June 25/06.  (Image courtesy Google Earth) 
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Jan 22/14