Kingston Class Radar
X band navigation and S band search radars. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
X Band (IEEE)  navigation radar  or I band (NATO)
Frequency - 9,410MHz
Wavelength - 3.1859 cm
Power - 25 kW
Pulse Repetition Rate - 375 to 3000 pps
Antenna - 2.4 metre wide turning at 24 rpm. It is 15.7 m (51 ft) above the waterline
Antenna Weight - 20 kg
Radiation Hazard (Radhaz) - 1.5 m

S Band (IEEE) search radar or E,F band (NATO)
Frequency - 3,050 MHz
Wavelength - 9.8273 cm
Power 25 - kW
Pulse Repetition Rate - 375 to 3000 pps
Antenna - 4 metre wide turning at 22 rpm. It is 12.2 m (40 ft) above the waterline
Antenna Weight - 65 kg
Radiation Hazard (Radhaz) - 0.8 m

Closeup view of the S-band radar antenna. (Photo courtesy  Rick Bungay)
The X band can be set to short pulse for distances less than 1.5 nm, medium pulse for distances from 3 to 24 nm or long pulse for distances beyond 24 nm.  The X band has proven superior to the S band even at the longer ranges for which the S band was designed.  Consequently, officers on the bridge using the Navigation radar often pick up contacts before the radar plotters in Operations do using the search radar.
Kelvin-Hughes Nucleus 3 6000A radar console. There are three Nucleus displays - two on the bridge and one in Operations. The forward bridge display is set to master for the X band while the after bridge display is set to slave for the S band while the Ops display is set to master for the S band.  (Kelvin Hughes photo) 

On April 16, 2008, it was announced that Northrop Grumman Corporation has won contracts to upgrade the navigation radars on the Canadian Navy’s Kingston-Class maritime coastal defense vessels (MCDV) and Canadian Coast Guard vessels. The contracts, with a total value of more than $2 million (USD), were awarded to Northrop Grumman’s Sperry Marine business unit.

SNC-Lavalin, the logistics support project manager for the MCDV program, has awarded contracts to Sperry Marine to replace the existing radar units on the 12 Kingston-Class ships. Each ship will be fitted with a suite of interswitched BridgeMaster E X-band and S-band radars with three 340-millimeter flat-screen displays. The installations will take place at the SNC-Lavalin facilities in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and Esquimalt, British Columbia.

Sperry Marine also recently received a three-year contract to upgrade the radars across the fleet of Canadian Coast Guard vessels with new BridgeMaster E 180, 250 and 340 radar sets.

Bridgemaster E Model 340 deckstand version. (Photo courtesy Sperry Marine/Northrup Grumman)

Other versions of the Bridgemaster E series desktop displays. (Photo courtesy Sperry Marine/Northrup Grumman)

kingston_bm_display1.jpg kingston_bm_display2.jpg
Displays can be customized by the operator. (Photo courtesy Sperry Marine/Northrup Grumman)
BridgeMaster E Series of Marine Radars - System Configuration

X-Band (3 cm) Scanner (comprising antenna and turning unit)
Antenna Sizes: 4, 6 or 8 ft. (1.2, 1.8 or 2.4 m)
Transceiver Configurations: bulkhead or masthead mounted
Power 10 kW or 25 kW
Factory Fitted Options: Performance Monitor (required for IMO SOLAS vessels)

S-Band (10 cm) Scanner (comprising antenna and turning unit)
Antenna Sizes: 9* or 12 ft. (2.7 or 3.6 m)
Transceiver Configurations: bulkhead or masthead mounted
Power 30 kW
Factory Fitted Options: Performance Monitor (required for IMO SOLAS vessels)
* The 9 ft. antenna is type approved for high speed craft only.
Circa: 2005


(Inage courtesy Sperry Marine/Northrup Grumman)
The display type is the entire flat screen. The diameter which suffixes the model number is the size of the circular area displayed on the flat screen.
ARPA= Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
ATA= Automatic Tracking Aid

Contributors and Credits: See main document

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Sept 16/11