The Lockheed CP-140 Aurora was acquired by Canada in 1980. The Aurora is Canada’s only strategic surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft capable of patrolling Canada’s three ocean approaches and the nation's remote Arctic regions. The Aurora is a hybrid design combining the exceptional range, endurance and  four engine reliability of the P-3C Orion with the 1970’s state-of-the- art mission avionics suite derived from the Lockheed S-3A Viking, Some US equipment in the AN series has simply been assigned Canadian 500 series designators while other systems are purely Canadian designs.
The CP-140 has a different Sonobuoy Launch Tube (SLT) layout from the P-3C under the rear fuselage to provide space for the reconnaissance camera and its associated flash unit which is absent in the P-3C. The CP-140 has 36 external Sonobuoy Launch Tubes plus the three internal PSLTs ( Pressurized Sonobuoy Launch Tube) and one General Purpose chute. The Aurora also carries 56 sonobuoys internally that are launched through the PSLT’s. The PSLTs permit the crew  to load and launch tubes while remaining pressurized.

Due to the wiring and configuration of the CP-140A (it does not have any wiring aft of the Main Electrical Load Centre for mission equipment) the aircraft does not typically carry, and cannot deploy, stores externally. Essentially the CP-140A is a completely stripped down version of the CP-140 minus the mission kit. It was even modified to remove unnecessary weight to the aft section to simulate the originally poor centre of gravity that the original Aurora had due to the equipment and loss of fuselage balance in front of the wings.

Adding to the mix is the biggest variable of all - CFB Greenwood’s Auroras, for example, are in several different configurations as a result of the Aurora Incremental Modernization Project (AIMP) and the incremental block approach outlined in the main CP-140 document. Typically, pre-Block I aircraft are referred to as "Legacy" since that is part of the AIMP terminology. For the most part, with only minor exceptions, the legacy aircraft (pre-Block I) is the original fitment. Some minor changes have been made over the years that are still lumped into the legacy kit including the addition of the Trimble Trimpack GPS unit, 99 Channel Sono Processing system, the addition of the High Speed Printer, etc.

The Aurora’s ASW mission suite is integrated by a AN/AYK-502 (Univac 1832) digital processor, a refinement of the Univac 1832 used on the S-3A Viking. Sensor integration provides a synergy that makes the Aurora a more effective surveillance and weapon platform. For example, the computer system stores a library of target "signatures" that focuses the search for specific threat targets. When a sensor detects a target that matches the library signature,  the computer alerts the sensor operator. The Aurora’s extensive communications suite makes it an excellent command and control vehicle able to take charge of cooperating ships and aircraft at the scene of action.

More on the Aurora Incremental Modernization Program

In 1997, the Canadian government embarked on a program to update the Aurora’s avionic systems. To ameliorate the program’s more than one billion dollar cost; the Aurora Incremental Modernization Program (AIMP) was divided into phases or Blocks (all lettered with Roman numerals). The 22 upgrade projects within the program were divided into three blocks for incremental implementation. Each of the Auroras was modified serially with the Block I upgrades, after which each aircraft was sequentially rotated through the Block II upgrades, followed by the serial installation of the Block III projects.

AIMP Block I -  Legacy Projects

Block I consisted of the replacement of legacy equipments which were no longer logistically supportable or were required to be compliant with the latest changes to international air certification regulations. To remain compatible with Canada’s allies,  some operationally essential systems were included in Block I.

Block I projects consisted of:

Installation of Strobe Lights.
Remove windscreen rain repellant system.
Replacing SRS ( Sonobuoy Receiver System) with a 99 channel AN/ARR-502B (V) sonobuoy receiver.
Replace upper fuselage panel to repair corrosion around flare port.
Install new digital radar scan converter.
Replace Main Landing Gear fittings.
New Flight Data Recorder / Cockpit Voice Recorder / Crash Position Indicator.
Install new Rockwell Collins HF 121 BD radio.
Install Iridium Satellite Communications (SATCOM).
Remove OMEGA navigation system.
Replace Radioteletype printer.
Relocate KGX-40, and
Modify avionic equipment rack 2 to accommodate changes.

AIMP Block II – Navigation – Flight Instruments - Communications

 Implementation of the AIMP Block II program was divided into two phases. The first phase was the installation of the Navigation and Flight Instrument Modernization Project (NFIMP). The second phase is the installation of the Communications Management Systems Project (CMS).

Navigation and Flight Instrument Modernization Project

The NFIMP consists of modernizing cockpit navigation and flight instruments and includes:

Installing four Electronic Flight Instruments (pilot/co-pilot: Electronic Flight Director Indicator (EFDI), Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) and Display Control Units (DCU)) and installing an EHSI and DCU at the navigator–communicator station.

Install two CMA 2082 full colour, programmable Control Display Units (CDU) for navigation data management and monitoring health of interfaced navigation systems. The CDU’s also control communications equipment installed as part of the CMS.

Installing two Embedded GPS Inertial (EGI) navigation systems. The inertial navigation systems will employ laser ring gyro technology primarily to provide greater stability for the Synthetic Aperture Radar Antenna and for navigation accuracy.
Installing BAE Systems Automatic Flight Director System (AFDS).
Installing BAE Systems CNI.
Installing LPIA-194 Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System (RAAWS) with Honeywell Height Indicators, and
Installing Aircraft Collision Avoidance System.

Communications Management System Project

The Block II Communications Management System Project replaces the old CMS to permit the integration of current and upgraded radios because the existing system precluded the addition of more radios. The newer radios increased operational capability.

The CMS project integrates three new V/UHF radios, the two new HF radios, SATCOM and a VHF (AM) radio with the CMS. The radios are controlled through the three Control Display Units (pilot, co-pilot and navigator-communicator). Because the Aurora Incremental Modernization Program (AIMP) is divided into three Blocks of equipment upgrades and since each aircraft has each Block installed sequentially there temporarily will be three different Aurora configurations during the span of the AIMP. When the AIMP is complete all aircraft will have the same final configuration. The incremental approach to the modernization has resulted in Block I, II and III configured Auroras being available for operations at the same time. Auroras at different stages of the incremental modification will have different operational capabilities, requiring air and ground crews to be trained and qualified on each of the different Block configurations, thus complicating management of the Aurora fleet.

AIMP Block III – Data Management System - Sensors

Block III updates the Data Management System (DMS). The DMS project includes a new computer and sensors which consists of:

Installing a mission computer, multi-purpose displays and software.
Installing an acoustic signal processing system (AN/UYS-504).
Increasing the number of acoustic input channels to the UYS-504 from 16 to 32.
Installing an acoustic tape recorder.
Installing an electronic surveillance system.
Installing a electro-optical surveillance system (Wescam MX-20).
Installing a synthetic aperture radar with a spotlight and strip mapping capability.

Captain Stephanie Hale adds the following  in reference to Block III upgrades:

"With the introduction of Block III CP-140M, our entire mission suite will change. We will refer to much of it as the Integrated Mission System (IMS). As the main part of the CP-140 weapons system, the IMS provides the means to control, process and store tactical mission information from the sensor and communications subsystems. IMS incorporates all the sensor systems, weapon systems, NFI (Navigation Flight Instruments adopted with Block II) and CMS (Communications Management Systems adopted with Block II) equipment. The CP-140 contains two MIL-STD-1553B data buses within its overall architecture - the Avionics Data Bus and the Mission Data Bus.

The Avionics Data Bus provides the 1553B data bus between the terminals of the Avionics System and the Communications Management System (CMS). The Mission Data Bus provides the 1553B data bus connections between the terminals that form part of the AG3 IMS including the Mission Computer (MC), Navcom and Pilot Control Display Units (CDUs), Embedded GPS/INS (EGI), VME Acoustic Signal Processor (VASP), Sonobuoy Receiver (SRX), Electronic Support Measures (ESM) Receiver/Processor, Electro-Optic (EO) Master Control Unit (MCU), Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) Amplifier, and Airborne Imaging Radar System (AIRS) processor.

The Mission Computer (MC) provides the control interfaces and transfers data among the sensors and avionics sub-systems that are connected to other DMS components. The MC communicates with sensors and avionics including the Tactical Digital Information Link (TADIL), and the IMS sub-systems through  a 1553B Mission Data Bus, a 100BaseT Ethernet LAN, and a 6 MHz Manchester Serial Interface. Other interfaces are provided by the CMS through the Pilot and Navcom CDU's. These CDU's provide the gateway between the CP-140M Avionics Data Bus and the Mission Data Bus and provide control of navigation, flight instruments and communications management systems radio assets. Pilot CDU is the primary Bus Controller for the Avionics Data Bus and the Navcom's are the backup".

The word "fusion" also crops up when discussing the various systems aboard the Aurora. Simply put,. "Fusion is the principle of integrating data from all sensors so a real-time tactical solution can be derived from the inputs".

CP-140A Arcturus

The CP-140A Arcturus was procured in 1991 as an Arctic Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (AMSA) and as such has a credible surface surveillance capability. The Arcturus was acquired to relieve the Aurora of some of the less demanding surface surveillance missions and allowed the Aurora to focus on the more complex underwater surveillance and command and control tasks. The CP-140A cockpit is identical to the Aurora and except for the navigation and communication equipment at the navigator-communicator station and the APS-507 radar in the tactical compartment there are no mission sensors installed in the Arcturus. The absence of mission sensors changed the centre of gravity; therefore, compensating weight was added to the aft section of the aircraft. Because the Arcturus does not have any wiring aft of the over wing Main Electrical Load Centre for mission equipment, the aircraft cannot deploy external stores. The CP-140A has the standard P-3 48 external Sonobuoy Launch Tubes (SLT), but these are inoperable. However, the three internal Pressurized Sonobuoy Launch Tubes (PSLT) and the General Purpose chute are functional and for search and rescue missions the Arcturus can carry and drop a “Survival Kit Air Droppable” (SKAD) from the bomb bay. Since the cockpit was identical to the Aurora, the Arcturus relieved the Aurora from some of its pilot training tasks.

The table below, lists the Aurora's original electronics and all known upgrades. If there are any errors or omissions or additions required, please contact: jerry.proc@sympatico.ca

AN/APS-506 Legacy  (1980) [1] This is a two dimensional, surface search radar and the Canadian designation for the AN/APS-116A radar manufactured by Raytheon/Texas Instruments. It has three modes of operation  - periscope and snorkel detection, search and navigation, and ocean search for online operation . Only mode 2 (search and navigation) can be operated offline.  In Mode 3 (long range),  targets can be detected up to 280 kilometers (150 nm) approx. Fitted in CP-140 only,

This radar is retained in Block I and Block II upgrades but changes in Block III to AIRS.

AN/APS-507 Original, 1991  Multimode surface search radar manufactured by Raytheon/Texas Instruments. Fitted in Arcturus CP-140A only. Incorporates the "track-while-scan" feature. It is the Canadian version of the AN/APS-134.

It has three operational modes (periscope, navigation and search) that facilitate a span of capabilities from detection of small targets in high sea states to medium range navigation and weather avoidance usage. A Track-While-Scan (TWS) feature enables the operator to select up to 32 targets for automatic tracking in the Navigation and Search modes.  A nose mounted antenna provides 240 degree coverage (120 degrees either side of aircraft nose) of the 360 degree antenna rotation. The system is controlled from a radar operator station unique to the CP-140A. 

AIRS  2010 > AIRS, the Imaging Radar Project (MDA Contract), replaces the existing AN/APS-506 radar system in Block III with the new Imaging Radar System (IRS) and partially replaces the IFF/SIF system with the new IFF Interrogator Subsystem (IFFIS). The integration of these two entities is known as the Airborne Imaging Radar Systems (AIRS). Associated with the AIRS is the Ground Imaging Radar System (GIRS) designed to process, archive, and exploit stored radar imagery. In addition to current maritime surveillance, navigation and weather capabilities, AIRS will also give the aircraft a number of new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and IFFI capabilities: Strip map, Land spot, Sea spot, ground moving target indicator (GMTI), upgraded IFF interrogation modes, search and rescue (SAR).

The IFFI can be operated offline (can only display modes 1, 2, or 3/A) or online (generating interrogations in any combo of up to 5 modes). It is capable of Mode 1, 2, 3/A, C, 4, S level 2, and 5 level 2.
Radar modes of operation include surveillance (WX - weather, NAV - navigation, LRCS - low radar cross section, WAS - wide area surveillance, and GMTI - ground moving target indication), imaging modes (Strip map - image a continuous swath of land at low to high resolution, Land spot - image a fixed/geodetic land surface point in medium to high resolution, and Sea spot - image a fixed or moving maritime target in low to ultra-high resolution), interleaved modes (A Scan Plot - aids operator in classifying a target by radar profile, including length and dominant scatters and Search and Rescue Transponder  (SART) aids in the location of transponders), and combination modes (WAS/NAV, WAS/WX, NAV/WX).

OR-5008/AA Legacy  (1980)  [1] FLIR Imager. (OR-89 derivative). Click on link for details.
AN/ASX-4 2007 >  aka Wescam MX-20. This is a Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) system made by L3 Wescam and is found on the Block II and III aircraft. It provides the CP140 a long-range imaging surveillance capability able to passively sense visual band and infrared radiation from targets and objects of interest. The EO/IR provides high magnification colour and monochrome day TV cameras and an infrared camera with step zoom capabilities. Remote pointing of the camera sensors is achieved through the motorized, gyro-stabilized gimballed turret in which they are mounted. The sensor turret is mounted aft and below of the CP140 nose radome, under the flight deck, on a motorized extendable-retractable mechanism. Three cameras housed in the turret provide continuous, simultaneous video when the system is ON. The cameras are identified as: a. EON - for the narrow field of view, long range spotter scope identification camera. b. EOW - for the wide field of view, colour camera. c. IR - for the infrared camera.  The turret comprises two subsystems; the payload and the gimbal. The payload provides 360-degree continuous azimuth field of view with three imaging sensors that support long range day and night surveillance missions as follows:
a. The Electro-Optic Wide (EOW) field of view sensor; a 1.6 to 30 degree field of view, continuous zoom, electro-optic imaging sensor with selectable colour or monochrome video output.
b. The Electro-Optic Narrow (EON) field of view sensor; a 0.11 to 0.61 degree field of view, discrete zoom, electro-optic imaging sensor with monochrome video output.
c. The IR sensor; a 0.29 to 21.7 degree field of view, discrete zoom, IR imaging sensor with monochrome video output. 

Unit cost is approximately $1 million, depending on options.

AN/ALR-502 Legacy  (1980)  Canadian designation for the AN/ALR-47 ECM made by IBM. It is an  emitter-location system with four receiver antennas fitted into each CP-140 wingtip. Used to locate adversary radio and radar transmitters. 
AN/ALQ-217 2010 > An ESM system manufactured by Lockheed-Martin and is found on the Block III CP-140M (circa 2010). This ESM provides the aircraft with the capability to passively detect, identify, analyze, and locate RF emitters. It consists of 4 quadrant antenna arrays (QAAs) each consisting of 2 mid band antennas, 2 high band antennas, and 1 low band/guard channel antenna, two active front end (AFE) receivers, and a receiver/processor. It uses two narrow band, rapid scanning, superheterodyne receivers to detect and measure the following primary parameters: angle of arrival (AOA), pulse repetition interval (PRI), radio frequency (RF), amplitude, pulse width (PW), scan interval, and location. It provides 360 degree of azimuth coverage (+ or - 30 degrees of antenna elevation coverage) at all frequencies within its search envelope.
AN/ASQ-502  Legacy  (1980)  Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD).  Although it was loosely based on the MAD design from the S3 Viking, it is a uniquely Canadian system. Made by CAE, Montreal , the cesium magnetometer detecting head can detect a change of 1 in 5 million in the Earth's magnetic field - the most sensitive unit available when the CP-140 came into service. 
OA/5154/ASQ Legacy (1980) MAD Compensator built by CAE Montreal. The 16-term Fully Automatic Compensation System (FACS) conditions the raw magnetometer data, using its mini-computer for displays and other aircraft systems. The other necessary input is the orthogonal vector magnetometer signals which provide heading, manoeuvre and total earth-field data. The use of completely electronic compensation obviates the need for output coils to generate opposing fields and no operator input is needed. The compensation flight programme lasts for no more than six minutes and comprises four one-minute low amplitude manoeuvres on headings approximately at right angles to each other. Additional trapping circles and cloverleaf manoeuvres are optional. As well as automating the recompensation exercise, the FACS allows the operator to update the system with minor magnetic variations at the touch of a button.
AN/ASQ-502(V)  2007 > AN/ASQ-508(V) Advanced Integrated MAD system is only found on the Block III aircraft. It has greater sensitivity and sampling rate than the legacy system. There are 3 types of MAD trace outputs: Bandpass MAD - same as legacy MAD trace, Adaptive MAD - processed to minimize eternally generated interference (e.g. geo, solar, and wave noise), Scaled Adaptive MAD - more closely resembles traditional bandpass MAD amplitudes. Automatic continuous 16 term compensation of the interference field at the sensor due to the aircraft's permanent, induced, and eddy current generated magnetic fields. It automatically displays the slant range in feet, target confidence level, and signal amplitude of any contacts and it capable of displaying an evaluation of the compensation quality, the local geological activity, the current FOM, and the noise threshold levels.
AN/SSQ-530(3) From 2004 photo An "A" size, 31 channel Jezebel Sonobuoy with Directional LOFAR (DIFAR) capability. Made by Sparton. Has four presettable hydrophone depths ranging from 30 to 300 meters. An improved version of the AN/SSQ-53A. Battery life is 1 to 4 hours.
OL-5004/AYS ADP Legacy (1980) [1] Acoustic processor for sonobuoys
SB 5123/AYS Legacy (1980) [1] Sonobuoy Monitoring System (SRS).
AN/AQH-501 Legacy (1980) Airborne, acoustic tape recorder to record sonobuoy audio.
R-1741 Legacy (1980) [1] Sonobuoy receiver
AN/ARS-501  Legacy  (1980) [1] The Sono Reference System  (SRS) is found on the pre-Block I CP-140 (not the CP-140A). SRS is comprised of the SBRS (Sonobuoy Bearing Receiving Set) and the SRS subprogram. The SBRS  provides relative sonobuoy bearing data to a selected sonobuoy to the GPDC. The SRS subprogram then uses interferometer techniques to continuously compute and update the geographic position of sonobuoys in concert with the aircraft's navigation system without having to overfly the sonobuoy. The SBRS operates exclusively on-line and interfaces only with the AYK-502 computer. The Sonobuoy Bearing Receiver (SBR) is a 31 channel, fixed-tuned VHF system. Its 10 antennae receive the phase difference between 16 antenna pairs for selected frequencies  This phase difference is processed and encoded in digital format and sent to the GPDC for bearing and position compilation. 

Note; Sonobuoy Receiver (SRX) is only found on the Block III CP-140M aircraft (circa 2010). The aircraft has two SRX's providing the capability to receive transmissions and locate up to 99 standard "A" size NATO sonobuoys.

AN/AYK-502 (V) Legacy  (1980) [1] Tactical Computer. Canadian version of AN/AYK-10 which is based on the 32 bit Univac 1832 machine and utilizing 65 k of memory. The outputs of the ASW mission sensors are integrated by the AN/AYK-502 digital processor. Sensor Integration is achieved by controlling and displaying contact information from common key boards and multi-purpose displays. The AYK-502 also provides sensor libraries. For example, the computer system stores a library of sensor “signatures” that narrows the search parameters and alerts the sensor operator when a match is detected that meets the library parameters. 
VASP System 2010 > The VME Acoustic Signal Processor (VASP) System is only found on the Block III CP-140M aircraft (circa 2010 and later). VASP provides the aircraft with the capability to detect, localize/fix, classify, and track subs and surface vessels from passive, active, and multistatic active acoustic data. The VASP processes acoustic data from the sonobuoys, digitizes it, extracts the essential characteristics for presentation to the operator in both audio and video form.
AN/APX-502 Legacy (1980) [2] IFF SIF/interrogator-synchronizer (along with its associated transponder set AN/APX-77A) generates and transmits pulse-coded radar challenge signals to interrogate surface and airborne targets, which automatically respond by transmitting an identification code.
RT-8620A Legacy (1980) IFF Receiver -Transmitter
AN/APX-76 Legacy (1980) IFF/SIF airborne Receiver Transponder .D-band (1 to 2 GHz). The legacy unit used vacuum tubes.  Later on, it was followed by the solid-state transmitter AN/APX-76B and the technically improved product AN/APX-76C but it is not known if the CP-140 used any of these update versions. 
AN/UPX-40  2007 > IFF.  Mark XIIA all mode interrogator. Features new Mode S/Mode 5 which enhance performance, improve security and heighten situational awareness. Made by  Telephonics Corp. It might be part of the kit that was added with  Block II modifications. The only follow on IFF upgrades are embedded in the radar system for Block III.
 AN/SSQ-536G  Bathythermograph   
COMMUNICATIONS - Legacy CP-140 including CP-140A
aka 618M-3A
Legacy  (1980) This is a VHF-AM radio, made by Collins.  The radio set is primarily used by the pilot and copilot to communicate with Air Traffic Control (ATC) facilities and can also be used for direction finding (DF) or homing. VHF-AM frequency range: 116.0-151.975 MHz in 25-kHz increments. Modes are selected at the Flight Station. Power output is 25 watts nominal
AN/ARC-512  Legacy  (1980) Two of these were fitted in all pre-Block 1 CP-140 and the CP-140A. Two HF Radio Sets, identified as HF-1 and HF-2, provide long range, two-way, communications. Both provide plain or cipher teletype, plain or cipher data link and plain voice communications. Although the radios are the same in both aircraft, CP-140A is not equipped to utilize teletype or data link. The CP-140A HF radios have been configured for secure HF voice communications though. Power output is 100 Watts, 500 Watts, or 1000 Watts. Mode of operation:  LSB voice, USB voice, AME voice, USB-FSK teletype, USB data link, and USB and LSB diversity data link communications. 
ARC-513(V2) Legacy  (1980) The VHF-FM radio allows voice communications with government agencies, maritime mobile units and the simultaneous monitoring of the VHF maritime mobile emergency frequency (156.8 MHz).
9600 channels from 150 to 174 MHz with 2.5 KHz spacing.

The radio is also used for direction finding (DF) or homing. The VHF-FM radio can be used to provide aural monitoring of sonobuoy signals plus DF or homing to a particular sonobuoy since the sonobuoy frequencies lie within the ARC-513(V) frequency range. The Receiver-Transmitter has two separate receivers; the main receiver which can be tuned to any frequency within the frequency band and the guard receiver which is tuned to 156.8 MHz, the maritime mobile emergency frequency. The Receiver-Transmitter has two selectable transmitter output powers, either 1 or 10 watts. Within the frequency band covered by the Receiver-Transmitter, eleven channels can be preset by maintenance personnel to aid in radio set operation; but any of the 9600 available channels can be selected for Receiver-Transmitter operation by using the control panel manual frequency selectors. 

HF Radio Set manufactured by Allied-Signal Inc. Consists of the RT-5052 / ARC-513 R/T, C-5333 / ARC-513 Control, and AS-5013 / ARC-513 Antenna.

AN-ARC514(V) Legacy  (1980) AN/ARC-514(V) UHF - Two of these radios are found on the CP-140 (pre-Block II) and CP-140A. Two UHF Radio Sets, identified as UHF-1 and UHF-2, provide line of sight, two-way, plain or cipher voice communications and the simultaneous monitoring of the UHF guard frequency (243.0 MHz). Both have provisions to be used for satellite communications and sonobuoy command. UHF-1 or UHF-2 radio transmissions can only be made from the pilot, copilot, TACNAV, and NAVCOM stations but all crew positions can monitor the radio signals. UHF-1 also provides Direction Finding (DF) and homing capability. The UHF-1 frequency, mode, and antenna are selected at the FLT STA. UHF-2 also provides plain or cipher Teletype (TTY) and plain or secure data link capability. The UHF-2 frequency, mode and antenna are selected at the TACNAV/NAVCOM console. Each receiver-transmitter has two separate receivers: the main receiver which can be tuned to any frequency within the frequency band of 225-399.975 MHz in 0.025 MHz steps; and the guard receiver which is preset to 243.0 MHz.
AN/PRC-66B Pre AIMP The AN/PRC-66B radio set is a self contained, auxiliary UHF transceiver that provides plain voice communications. The set is a stand alone unit and is not integrated with the Communication System Control Group. It permits two-way plain voice UHF communications, however there are no provisions for monitoring of ICS  (intercom) or other audio. The AN/PRC-66B is a single-channel transceiver unit that can be tuned to any frequency within the frequency band of 225.00 to 399.95 MHz in 0.05 MHz steps.

AN/PRC-66 photo courtesy Army Radio.com

AN/AGC-501 Legacy  (1980) Radioteletype (RATT) System - not found in the CP-140A. The RATT communication system provides two-way plain or cipher teletype communication between own aircraft and other similarly equipped aircraft, ship or shore stations. The RATT communication system provides for the automatic on-line mode transmission of teletype messages from the General Purpose Digital Computer (GPDC) or the manual off-line mode transmission from the TTY. The teletypewriter (TTY) contains a keyboard and a solid state logic unit. The TTY generates alphanumeric RATT messages for HF-1, HF-2, or UHF-2 Radio Set transmission. 
Link-11 Data Link Legacy (1980) Not found in the CP-140A, only CP-140. This is a Link 11 system comprising of a data terminal set J-5262/AYC, and a Data Link Security Unit KG-40. Link-11 is a medium speed, HF/UHF, tactical data information link. It employs netted communication techniques and standard message formats, for the exchange of digital information among airborne, land based and seaborne platforms. Any one of HF-1, HF-2, or UHF-2 can be used to conduct Data Link communications. Two audio waveforms are provided by the DTS; the Conventional Link Eleven Waveform (CLEW) which consists of 16 phase modulated audio tones and the Single-tone Link Eleven Waveform (SLEW) which consists of a single phase modulated audio tone. The SLEW waveform provides superior error correction and signal-to-noise performance over CLEW. This system only works online in concert with the GPDC (general purpose digital computer) via the Manchester serial channel in pre-Block I CP-140 and via the 1553B Data Bus in post Block I CP-140. In Block III, the CP-140M has the same Data Link kit; however, due to the increased capability of the mission computer that replaces the AYK-502, Link 11 functionality is greatly enhanced and there is a possibility of expansion to Link 16.
KY-58 Legacy (1980) Voice encryption equipment. 
KW-7 Legacy (1980) Radioteletype encryption equipment with KWX-7 remote control. Now superceeded.
COMMUNICATIONS - Legacy and Pre Block I Radio Suite (CP-140 only)
AN/ARC-511 Legacy  (1980) RT-5048 VHF AM radio set. Same as above.
AN/ARC-513(V2)  Legacy  (1980) VHF FM radio set. Same as above
AN/ARC-514(V)  Legacy  (1980) UHF radio set. Same as above
AN/ARC-512(V)  AIMP, 1997 > This was an improved version of the HF radio set. - there are 2 of these on each aircraft (upgraded version of the radio fitted in Block 1 and all follow-on CP-140/M). Modes are: LSB voice, USB voice, AME voice, USB-FSK teletype, USB data link, Independent Sideband (ISB) voice, data, RATT or link 11 and USB and LSB diversity data link communications. It also offers Automatic Link Establishment (ALE), Selective Calling (SELCAL) (receive only) and LINK 11 compatibility. The radio is well suited for Simultaneous Operation (SIMOP) where two or more HF radio systems may be operating in close proximity. The minimum frequency separation between the two HF radio sets is 2 MHz or 10 per cent of the higher frequency, whichever is greater. During SIMOP the power setting shall be set to medium or low. Amplifiers provide operation at the following power levels: 100, 500 or 1000 watts. 
AN/PRC-66B Pre AIMP Auxiliary UHF Radio - same as above
AN/AGC-501  Legacy (1980) Radioteletype (RATT) System - same as above
AN/AIC-503 Legacy (1980) Intercommunications system.
AIRSAT 1 2000 > AIRSAT 1 Iridium Aeronautical Satellite Communication System - The Iridium System is a satellite-based, wireless personal communications network that provides global telephone coverage. The subscriber equipment  used aboard the CP140 is the AIRSAT™ Single Channel Satellite Communications System (SATCOM) with Voice/Data capability. The Iridium Transceiver Unit (ITU) 100 is a single-channel transceiver unit that contains the circuitry to send and receive digital telephone calls and provide two-way internet access using the Iridium satellite-based communications network. The channel rate is still 2.4 Kbps, but up to 10 Kbps effective throughput can be achieved depending on content. Graphics and images will result in lower effective throughput. For example, a typical 100 Kb image captured with the DCS-620 camera requires approximately four minutes to download. This was retrofitted into the CP-140 for Operation Apollo in 2000 and has become standard kit for all CP-140. It is not found on the CP-140A. 

Frequency Range: 1616 - 1626.5 MHz
RF Power Input: 6 Watts (max.)

COMMUNICATIONS  - Block II and Block III Radio Suite (CP-140/M)
AN/ARC-511 Legacy  (1980) VHF AM radio set - same as above
ARC-513(V2)  Legacy  (1980) VHF FM radio set - same as above
AN/ARC 512(V) HF Legacy  (1980) (Improved) HF radio set - same as above
AN/PRC-66B Legacy  (1980) Auxiliary UHF radio set - same as above
AN/AGC-501  Legacy-partial Radioteletype (RATT) system. Some components are the same as above but much of the functionality has been incorporated into the upgraded Data Management System (e.g. keyboard, interface) and the HSP (high speed printer) has been upgraded.
AIRSAT 1 2007 >  Iridium Aeronautical Satellite Communication System - same as above.
AN/ARC-210(V) AIMP, 1997 > VHF/UHF Radio. Quantity 3 fitted. The AN/ARC-210(V) integrated communications system made by Rockwell Collins is designed to provide multimode voice and data communications in either normal or jam-resistant modes through software reconfiguration. The RT-1556 transceiver is capable of establishing two-way communication links over the 30 to 400 MHz or 30 to 512 MHz frequency ranges within tactical aircraft environments. Output power is 10 to 15 W (AM) and 15 to 23 W (FM) (FM 400 to 512 MHz is 5 watts). The system may be controlled via MIL-STD-1553B and can be tuned in 2.5 KHz steps. A local controller, the C-11896/7/8, is available in white, red or green lighting respectively and will tune the system in 5 KHz steps. Remote frequency indicator ID-2428 provides frequency and mode displays. The ARC-210 system's frequency plan and ECCM data may be filled remotely or locally by the AN/CZY-10 Data Transfer Device. A family of electronically tunable antennas is available. A SATCOM model (RT-1747B) has been developed to enable the ARC-210 to interface with a variety of modems and the system is capable of supporting 5 KHz or 25 KHz DAMA operation. The RT-1747C has European ATC 8.33 kHz tuning added. The system also includes a remote controller for manual operation of the transceiver, a remote indicator and a family of broadband and electronically tunable antennas.

Also known as a  V/UHF terminal, ARC210 is satcomm capable, however that capability cannot be used in the Aurora  because the antennas not capable of satcomm reception.

Photo of control unit. (Courtesy Rockwell Collins)

AN/ARC-234V AIMP, 2007 > UHF Satcomm terminal. (also referred to as the V/UHF 4 in the aircraft).  The AN/ARC-234 Airborne Integrated Terminal Group (AITG) is a software programmable half-duplex UHF/VHF DAMA SATCOM airborne-qualified terminal designed to be compatible with the USAF standard DAMA-capable UHF SATCOM terminal. It is designed to provide UHF SATCOM operation in a high co-site environment on aircraft with multiple emitters, or when operating in the vicinity of friendly ground troops using high power VHF and UHF equipment. AITG also operates in the VHF band providing SINCGARS and 8.33 kHz channelization for European Air Traffic Control. The AITG includes the receiver/transmitter (AIT), the LNA/diplexer, the mounting tray and a remote control unit (RCU). The AIT weighs approximately 23.4 kg. Power operation on 115 VAC or 28 VDC. It operates in the 30 to 512 MHz frequency band which covers Army FM (30 to 90 MHz), Air Traffic control (108 to 128 MHz), land mobile (128 to 160 MHz), UHF LOS  (225 to 400 MHz), UHF SATCOM (270 to 320 MHz) and UHF land mobile/special purpose (405 to 512 MHz) .It includes an embedded DAMA modem and embedded COMSEC. The modem is interoperable with the MD-1324 DAMA modem and also operates in high speed UHF SATCOM mode per MIL-STD-188-181B. The modem will run from 75 bits/s to 48 kbits/s in the SATCOM mode and at up to 64 kbits/s in the LOS mode. Embedded COMSEC functions include KY-58, KYV-5, KG-84 and KG-10 and KG-11 TRANSEC devices. The AIT can be controlled via the RCU, military data bus or a laptop computer. 

With the exception of the batwing antennas that have been installed on the Aurora,  it's pretty much the common ARC-234 system that can be found in today's market.

NAVIGATION Pre Block II (Legacy CP-140 including CP-140A)
AN/ASN-502 Legacy (1980)  Inertial Navigation System (INS). aka Litton LN33. Two systems were carried aboard the aircraft.
AN/ARN-508  Legacy (1980) VOR/ILS/Marker Beacon (MB) - The VOR/ILS/Marker Beacon navigation system provides the pilot, copilot, and NAVCOM with aircraft bearing and course deviation information with respect to a ground VOR station. Localizer, glide slope and Marker Beacon information is displayed in the FLT STA. The Glide Slope (GS) receiver (incorporated within the VOR Receiver) operates in the 329.15 to 335.0 MHz frequency range. The Marker Beacon antenna receives 75 MHz ground beacon signals. These signals are split by the Antenna Coupler in Rack 10 and sent to the VOR-1 and VOR-2 Receivers for demodulation to determine marker type. Receiver output does not interface through the ANIB. Modulations of 400 Hz, 1300 Hz, and 3000 Hz respectively illuminate the OUTER (blue), MIDDLE (yellow), and AIRWAYS (white) lights. Reception of an inner marker will cause the AIRWAYS light to illuminate. Marker Beacon audio is available when RECEIVERS is selected to BCN on the respective pilot and copilot ICS Master Control panels. Marker Beacon sensitivity is not selectable. 
AN/PSN-10(V)  1991 > Global Positioning System.  - is a stand-alone navigation system which uses the 24 satellites constellation called NAVSTAR. Hardware includes  a GPS receiver and a GPS antenna. The GPS navigation receiver is a portable system which uses C/A code (Course/Acquisition), L1 (1575.42 MHz ) frequency to provide position, velocity and time to the user. The system also calculates waypoints, steering, and navigation data. The GPS information is available only at the NAVCOM station, and is not associated with the Integrated Navigation System. The AN/PSN-10(V) Receiver provides worldwide day/night, all weather position and velocity data. It utilizes three sequencing signal processing channels to compute three-dimensional position and velocity and to manage and maintain the satellite tracking process. The receiver also receives GPS satellite signals using a fixed-pattern antenna and displays time-tagged position and velocity at intervals of approximately one second. Output information may be communicated digitally via an RS-422 Data Channel at a data rate of 9600 baud. These were retrofitted into the CP-140A in the late 1990's to provide GPS information following the demise of the Omega hyperbolic navigation system in 1997.
AN/ASN-505  AIMP, 1997 > Dual Inertial Navigation Set - Two of these systems are found in all pre-Block II CP-140A. The Inertial Navigation system consists of two Inertial Navigation Sets (INS-1 and INS-2) which provide position, velocity, heading and attitude data for on-line and off-line usage. Each INS is independent of the other. This mechanical INS had an allowable radial growth error rate of 2 Nm/hour of operation and was integrated with both the GPDC and the Flight Instruments to provide position and steering information. Position fixing and updating could be conducted either online via the GPDC (e.g. position on tops, Tacan fixing) or offline (e.g. GPS, radar, navaids, etc.).
AN/ARN-504  Legacy (1980) The Tactical Air Navigational Radio Set (TACAN) is an  airborne UHF receiver-transmitter used to determine aircraft bearing and slant range with respect to a ground beacon. The TACAN Navigational Radio Set can also determine slant range between two or more similarly equipped aircraft. TACAN mode, antenna, and channel are selected at the FLT STA. The TACAN interfaces with the HSI through the ANIB  to display bearing and range information. The TACAN beacon audio identification signal can be selected at the pilot, copilot, TACNAV, and NAVCOM stations on their respective ICS Master Control panels.
A/A24G-9/CPK-28  Legacy (1980) True Airspeed Computer - The True Airspeed (TAS) system, computes true airspeed for navigation display and computations. TAS data is routed to the GPDC, and the two Inertial Navigation Sets (INSs). The external Temperature-Sensing Probe provides outside air temperature data for TAS computer calculations. The TAS computer receives inputs from two pitot ram air pressure tubes, static pressure from starboard and port aft static ports, and outside air temperature to compute TAS data from 70 to 450 knots. (Stops prevent movement of the computer synchro rotor at true airspeeds below 70 (+0, -2) or above 450 (+2, -0) knots.) Below 70 knots (TAS), the computer outputs 70 or 450. Above 450 knots (TAS), the computer outputs 450. 
AN/ASN-505  Legacy (1980) Low Frequency Direction Finder (LFDF) Set - An airborne LF receiver used to determine relative bearings to a radio signal source within the 100 to 3000 kHz frequency range. The LF DF interfaces with the HSI ) through the ANIB to display bearing information as selected by the respective pilot, copilot, and NAVCOM HSI Control panels. System accuracy is normally ±3° but is subject to inaccuracies in excess of ±20°. The system may also exhibit erratic bearing indication in inclement weather and, in the case of large electrical storms, point directly at a storm cell. Normal operating ranges vary widely depending on weather and atmospheric propagation characteristics and antenna location. Due to these inaccuracies, caution must be used when using this equipment for enroute navigation, fix determination, holds, and missed approaches. This is not found on the CP-140A.
AN/APN-510  Legacy (1980) RT-5050/APN-510 Doppler Radar - The Doppler Set is a frequency modulated, continuous wave system that provides ground speed and drift angle for navigational purposes. The transmitter generates radio frequency (RF) signals which are radiated by the antenna system. The receiver mixes the surface-reflected RF transmissions with the transmitted frequency and routes the frequency difference to the Signal Data Converter (SDC). The SDC converts the signal into drift angle and ground speed data which is displayed on the Drift-Ground Speed Indicator. The SDC also provides drift angle to the Horizontal Situation Indicators (HSIs) and velocity and status to the Inertial Navigation Sets (INSs) and GPDC. It can display a drift angle of up to 40°; however, the Doppler accurately determines drift angle of up to only 20°. The DAGS indicator, has a ground speed readout capability from 25 to 999 knots; however, the Doppler Set computes ground speed from only 25 to 650 knots (except during the self-test mode). 
AN/APN-511  Legacy (1980)  Radar Altimeter and altitude warning.
AN/ARN-511 Legacy (1980) Omega receiver built by Canadian Marconi. It is comprised of:
1) A receiver/computer unit.
2) A control/indicator unit
3) An orthogonal ferrite loop antenna with a signal preamplifier.
The computer is a 16 bit processor with 8K of core memory. The computer, in conjunction with the VLF receiver, uses a minimum of three stations, selecting the best available based on received signal strength. The receiver tracks three Omega carrier frequencies for 72 nm lane ambiguity. . The Omega navigation system shut down in 1997. Receiver removed during Block I upgrade.
DSS-439 Circa 2009 Digital Mapping Camera made by Applanix. 
KA-501A  Legacy (1980) The Reconnaissance (RECCE) Camera system is an airborne, day/night photographic system designed for low and medium altitude operation. Night covert operation is available using infrared illumination techniques. The system is comprised of the RECCE Camera, a Night Illumination Set (NIS), and a Reconnaissance Data Annotation system (RDAS). Three 80mm f/2.0 lenses provide 144° across track coverage on the film during each exposure. Resultant photography is a geometrically correct reproduction of the field-of-view. The camera field of view may be displayed on the TACNAV or NAVCOM MPD. The Night Illumination Set provides high intensity short duration light flashes for night photography. Covert photography is possible with an infrared filter window. This is only found in the CP-140 (not the CP-140A) and has essentially been removed from service effective 2009 due to lack of parts.
KH-107 Legacy (1980) Camera
KS-501 Legacy (1980) Camera
Sextant ? Kollsman Periscopic Sextant - The Periscopic Sextant system consists of two sextants, the Kollsman Periscopic Sextant, the Kollsman Skylight Compass, and a sextant mount. The sextant enables celestial body observations for heading and position line determination, and the skylight compass enables low altitude observations of the sun during twilight conditions and for sunlight observations for heading determination only.

Photo of unit in carrying case. (Photo via Epier.com)

? ? Night Vision Goggles
? ? Binoculars - gyrostabilized 
During peacetime, the Aurora generally operates overtly, using encrypted communications to communicate with Maritime Headquarters and co-operating units. Encrypted communications are used to deny surveillance targets (foreign vessels, illegal fishing vessels, drug smugglers, illegal immigrants etc) of any intelligence that a surveillance platform is in the area. Clear (unencrypted) communications are used with air traffic control and base operations. Depending on the nature of the mission, the Aurora will likely participate in a tactical data link with a Maritime Operations Centre (Headquarters) or other cooperating surface and air forces, providing Over The Horizon Targeting (OTHT) and sharing tactical information. During peacetime, full use is made of all sensors, both active and passive, including extensive use of radar, FLIR and ESM to locate surface targets.

During wartime, the ability of the Aurora to openly communicate with friendly forces will be severely restricted by the requirement to limit detection through the enforcement of Emission Control (EMCON) conditions. Communications, when essential, will be encrypted and limited to the briefest possible duration. To prevent broadcasting its position, the Aurora will adopt a *receive only* posture, accepting radio communications but not sending an acknowledgment.

During wartime, the Aurora  will adopt a silent Emission Control (EMCON) policy to deny the enemy knowledge of the Aurora's presence. Communications, when essential, will be encrypted and limited to the briefest possible duration. To prevent broadcasting its position, the Aurora will adopt an encrypted *receive only* posture, receiving radio communications without acknowledgment.

Sonobuoys will continue to be the primary sensor for submarine detection and tracking during peace and wartime. An Aurora can monitor a wide field of sonobuoys to sanitize a large area.  Sonobuoys are also useful for detecting surface targets which, depending on aircraft altitude, may be detected beyond the range of FLIR, ESM or radar. However, radar FLIR and ESM still remain the primary sensors for tracking surface targets. The Aurora radar has the capability to transmit a single scan then store the video for study by the radar operator. The single scan capability reduces the probability of enemy ESM systems detecting the Aurora’s radar.

Depending on the proximity of the adversary, the Aurora may be subjected to electromagnetic jamming. However, the Aurora’s ESM would gain more intelligence on the nature and location of the adversary thereby reducing any advantage provided to the enemy.

A CP-140 Aurora from 19 Wing Comox, British Columbia over the Pacific Ocean on April 26, 2000. The most visible upper fuselage antennas have been identified. SRS=Sonobuoy Reference System.  (Photo #ISC00-730-22 by MCpl Danielle Bernier, DGPA/J5PA Combat Camera)
Under the fuselage. This CP-140 from 19 Wing Comox, British Columbia, Canada  makes its final approach on April 25, 2000. (Photo #ISC00-728-06 by MCpl Danielle Bernier, DGPA/J5PA Combat Camera)
cp140_upplow_antennas_s.jpg Overall view of antenna placement on the upper and lower fuselage. Source: Aurora Aircraft Operating Instructions (AOI's) 1984-11-07.
cp140_lower_antennas_s.jpg A detailed view of the antennas on the bottom of the aircraft. Source: Aurora Training Manual. 
cp140_upper_antennas_s.jpg A detailed view of the antennas on the top of the aircraft. Source: Aurora Training Manual.
Click to enlarge.  All antenna diagrams provided by Ernie Cable. 
1982: A teleprinter such as this was used to send messages to Maritime HQ in Halifax from anywhere in the world . (Photo #ISC 82-2031)

Closeup of the AN/ASQ-502 MAD boom. This Aurora aircraft from 407 Squadron 19 Wing Comox, British Columbia, is seen on the tarmac with the Iqaluit airport control tower in the background. Also in evidence are the two HF wire antennas, the two sonobuoy receiver antennae and three of the ten SRS antennae. (Photo taken by Sgt Eileen Redding , Canadian Forces Combat Camera)
One of two wingtip ESM antenna pods. Each pod contains four antennas.  (Part of Combat Camera photo CX2008-0221-010)

Jeff Rankin-Lowe wrote an article about the CP-140 Aurora for "Air Fan International" in July 1996. The following items were part of Aurora's kit at the time:

"Search stores include sonobuoys, Mk 25 and Mk 58 smoke markers, Mk 84 SUS (sound underwater signals) devices, bathythermograph buoys, and Mk 400, 410, and 411 SUSs. Size A sonobuoys (AN/SSQ-36, -53D, and -62) are carried in 36 unpressurized sonobuoy launch tubes (SLT) loaded on the ground. A free-fall chute and three pressurized SLTs are accessible in flight and are used to launch 36 Size A sonobuoys stowed in the aft cabin. Several types of pyrotechnic devices (e.g. Mk 24, Mk 45, and LUU-2 parachute flares in SUU-44/A dispensers on wing pylons) are carried for illumination, as signals for identification or emergency use, and for rescue work. DATUM marker buoys and C8 smoke markers are expected to be added in the near future to the list of available stores."


[1] Based on the S-3 Viking electronics configuration.
[2] Defined in the white paper titled "Information Fusion Concepts For Airborne Maritime Surveillance and C2 Operations by P. Valin ,É. Bossé and  A. Jouan dated May 2006. Document #P525407

Credits and References:

1) Captain  Stephanie Hale. Navigator-Communicator Standards Officer,  14 Wing Greenwood, NS. <s.hale(at)ns.sympatico.ca>
2) Ernest Cable <erncar(at)ns.sympatico.ca>
3) Jeff Rankin-Lowe  <siriusproductions(at)sympatico.ca>
4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP-140_Aurora
7) Viking S-3 Electronics  http://www.vectorsite.net/avs3.html
8) http://pubs.drdc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc48/p525407.pdf
9) MX-20  http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/Military-and-naval-science/
10) Information Fusion Concepts For Airborne Maritime Surveillance and C2 Operations by P. Valin ,É. Bossé and  A. Jouan dated May 2006. Document #P525407
11)  Combat Camera.
12) AN/ASQ502   http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1981/1981%20-%201561.html
13) PRC-66 photo  http://www.armyradio.com/publish/Articles/US_Military_Portable_Radios/Pictures/prc-66.jpg
14) AIRSAT 1https://www.bendixking.com/servlet/com.merx.npoint.servlets.
15) ARC-513 HF Radio Set manufactured by Allied-Signal Inc.  Consists of the RT-5052 / ARC-513 R/T, C-5333 / ARC-513 Control, & AS-5013 / ARC-513 Antenna.
16) Kollisman Sextant Photo   http://www.epier.com/biddingform.asp?1900514#fulldesc
17) OA/5154  http://www.janes.com/articles/Janes-Avionics/OA-5154-ASQ-Fully-Automatic-Compensation-System-Canada.html
18) AN/ARN-511 http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA107612&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf
19) AYK- 502  http://vipclubmn.org/cp32bits.aspx
20) The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapons Systems, 1997-1998 By Norman Friedman. Extract from Google Books.
21) AN-APX-76  ttp://www.janes.com/articles/Janes-Radar-and-Electronic-Warfare-Systems

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Sept 4/10