and Control Panels

The following images were derived from the CHSS-2 training manual CNATT. One of its pages has been stamped March 1963.
Click to enlarge
seaking_t58engine_principal_comp_s.jpg T58 engine - Eight principal components.
seaking_t58engine_s.jpg T58 engine - detailed view.
seaking_t58engine_fuel_flow_s.jpg Fuel flow to the T58 engine.
seaking_t58engine_fuel_mgt_panel_s.jpg Fuel management panel.
seaking_instrument_panel_s.jpg Instrument panel.
seaking_overhead_ctl_panel_s.jpg Overhead control panel between the pilots.
seaking_electrical_s.jpg Although this drawing is officially titled " Electrical Equipment", it indentifies an assortment of items on the Sea King. 
All images provided by Gord Foster
Credits and References:

1) Gord Foster <gordonfoster(at)>

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June 28/10