Reprint From Crowsnest Magazine, June 1953

The newly re-activated amateur radio station, VEINN, located in the Electrical School at HMCS Stadacona, has joined the world wide fraternity of amateur radio, commonly referred to as "ham radio".

HMCS Stadacona Amateur Radio Club was organized on January 21, 1953 with a membership of 13 and elected the following slate of officers: Honorary president, the Commodore, RCN Barracks; director, Officer-in-Charge, HMC Electrical School; president, Lieut.(L) J. A. Kiely; vice-president, PO R. R. Zeits, and secretary-treasurer, Lieut. D. A. Cameron.

Commissioned Officer Krogel is shown at the operating position of VE1NN in the "L" School. (RCN photo HS·23565)
The prime object of the club is to enable interested personnel to pursue their hobby and assist as much as possible those who are striving to reach the necessary standards to qualify for an amateur radio licence. The work of overhauling, refitting and installing equipment was carried out under the direction of Commissioned Radio Officer W. F. Krogel and CPO R. R. Curtis. The station equipment consists of an 89Q transmitter working on 20  and 75 meter phone or continuous wave. The receiver is an AR88. Associated equipment includes a control panel, speech amplifier, monitor scope and frequency meter. Aerials consist of a long wire approximately 350 feet long, several dipoles and a 20-meter beam under construction.

All the equipment is conveniently grouped around the operating desk where complete control of the station is exercised.

Type 89 transmitter. (Photo source unknown)
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