HMCS HAIDA - Operations Room 1946: Forward bulkhead showing 293M PPI display. (RCN photo #1749-56)

Through a large magnifying glass fitted in the deckhead of the Operations Room, bridge personnel could read the plot table and the PPI display. The front of the PPI display is shown with the mirror mounting frames folded back and in the stowed position. When in use, the frame was extended and a mirror would be inserted into the frame and positioned so the screen could be viewed from above. The Plot Table is shown with the dust cover in place.

This was Radar 2 aboard  a Mackenzie, Restigouche or Improved Restigouche class ship. It was located on the port side, forward of EMR and aft of EWCR which was Radio 4.  (Photo #  E-73473 courtesy DND, Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre provided via by Robert  Langille)

Items in this photo.

Item 1 - AN/SPA-8 PPI indicator.
Item 2 - AN/UPA-24 control panel for IFF group video decoder.
Item 3 - AN/SPS-12 range scope. It was used to set the final tuning.
Item 4 - AN/SPS-12 control panel
Item 5 - AN/SPA-4 PPI indicator with video input selector switch mounted at left. The master SPA-4 PPI could be switched among several radar systems.
Item 6 - Sperry Mk II navigation radar.
Item 7 - Remote contol C10260/SPS-10 for SPS-10 radar. The SPS-10 radar itself was located on the forward  bulkhead of Radar 1, one frame forward and to the right.It had the receiver controls for:

1.   Receiver gain
2.   FTC on or off (Fast Time Constant)
3.   STC controls
       STC on/off
       STC Amplitude
       STC Duration
       STC Slope

The last three in the list resided under the cover at the top of the box.

Transmitter controls:

Long pulse/Short pulse
Antenna rotation On/Off

Item 8 - Sperry Mk II spares kit.


Radar 1 - As pictured above.  After the DELEX refits in the 80's this room contained the ADLIPS (Automated Data Link Plotting System) equipment.  This replaced the starboard SSA-502 plotting table.
Radar 2 - Contained equipment for SPS-10, SPS-12, Sperry MK 2, radar test equipment , Air Early Equipment or AN/WLR-1 Counter Measures Receiver.
Radar 3 - IFF gear and SB-440 radar distribution switchboard.

This as a typical Radio 4 office in a 205 St. Laurent-class steamer. In later years, this would be reclassified as EWCR (Electronic Warfare Control Room) although the tally plate above the EWCR door would still read Radio 4. (Photo #  E-73472 courtesy DND, Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre provided via by Robert  Langille)

Items in this photo:

1) Webcor Tape Recorder
2) Receiver - Racal RA-117 with RA-137 LF converter
3) Receiver -  Racal RA-17
4) Vault  - It likely contained classified pubs (Comm and Non-Comm related, recognition pubs and low grade
5) DAU DF set in cabinet.
6) Canadian Marconi MDF-5 medium frequency DF set.
7) Gyro repeater.
8) Two AN/UPD-501 DF receivers. Since no antenna control unit is evident,  this is a dual UPD501 installation meaning that two radar bands can be monitored simultaneously. In later configurations, two UPD's would share three antennas but an antenna control unit had to be installed.
9) IC/KAA intercom.
10) AN/UPD-501 power supplies (2)
11) AF amp accessory for UPD-501

A "posed" Operations room scene from a  205 class steamer - Port side forward. (It would be very unusual, even in the "heat of battle" exercises, to have two Lieutenant-Commanders at the action plot table). A SPA-4 PPI with the video input switching attachment is visible in the lower right corner of the photo. (Photo # HS-60765  courtesy DND, Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre provided via by Robert  Langille)

AN/SPG-34 fire control radar. In this demonstration photo, there are a number of clues to suggest it was posed and taken at the old training facility at Osborne Head. From the cap tally, the letters ONA are visible (on the high res image only) so these are rates are from Stadacona. Fire control operators would never operate while wearing #1 dress uniform. As well, this is an older vintage of SPG-34. (Photo # DNS-24522 courtesy DND, Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre provided via by Robert  Langille)

205 St. Laurent-class Operations Room. This shot is from the starboard side forward looking to Port quarter. The EWCR has its door open. (Photo # E-73467 courtesy DND, Canadian Forces Joint Imagery Centre provided via by Robert  Langille)
Another view of the St. Laurent Operations Room. (DND photo #VRP 1191.330.6)

Ray White recalls an experience while at sea. "On the St. Laurent, in addition to the Captain, we had Commodore O’Brien as Senior Officer and lots of other  officers.   In our enlarged Radio 4 we had some really cool equipment that came in very handy for, among others, the Navigator, who was able to use our Rhode & Schwartz Time and Frequency Standard to keep his chronometers correct, and we were also able to correlate the American Loran 'C' with the Russian version on 105 kHz, thus obtaining really good position information.  The St. Laurent had a hangar just astern of the command position, but we did not have a helicopter. All we carried in there was our trusty and rusty old pusser jeep.  The door to the hangar wouldn't close so one of the Bosn’s got some pusser canvas and made sort of curtain about four feet from the deck to the always open door.  When moving along at speed the canvas would flap quite a bit. As we were traveling along near Estonia and Latvia  we are always chased by Russian and other Eastern Bloc ships, apparently trying to get photographic evidence of what we were hiding in the hangar!!

Wouldn't they have been surprised to find our old rusty jeep all alone in there.  On that trip one of the East Bloc countries made a diplomatic complaint that we had violated their territorial limits, and they were right. The Commodore had ordered us to move in close to activate their air defence circuits. Planes were all over us for awhile".

Above and below: This is part the CCR (Control and Communications Room) aboard the former HMCS Fraser. While the ship was moored in Bridgewater, NS. local amateur radio operators used the CCR as their ham shack.

Contributors and Credits:

1) Robert Langille   <ewcs(at)ewcs.ca>
2) Jim Brewer <snack.235(at)sympatico.ca>
3) Tom Fullerton
4) Ray White  <legerwhite(at)rogers.com>
5) Steven Bradshaw <steve(at)malacat.ca>
6) Martin  Thomas <mthomas(at)bwr.eastlink.ca>
7) Esquimalt Naval Museum

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Feb 5/16