r64shcos.jpg HMCS Sioux Ship's Company taken in 1944. Click on photo to see enlarged view. (Photo courtesy of   John Glomba, Ajax Ontario).

kg6.jpg King George VI is seen crossing the gang plank to HMCS SIOUX on May 28, 1944. The officer saluting the King is Lt. Commander Boak, the commanding officer of the SIOUX. In the upper right portion of the photo, note the sailor taking a picture. This is Lieutenant (S) William H. Pugsley R.C.N.V.R. who wrote the book "Saint Devils and Ordinary Seamen". Royalties were assigned to The Canadian Naval Service Benevolent  Fund. In spite of being an officer, he dressed in seamen's clothing so he could live on the lower deck to write about life in the Canadian navy. (Photo courtesy of Ken Garrett).
The inspection of ship's company is about to begin. (Photo courtesy of  CPO Dana Andrews)
Bill Parkin aboard Sioux during WWII. (Submitted by John Parkin)

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Contributors and Credits:

1) John Parkin <jparkin59(at)yahoo.ca>

Feb 28/10