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Burke, Garry P.

I served in Sioux during her last commission under Capt. Tony "The Tiger" Law and although I served in many ships from 1961 to 1978, I always remember the Sioux as a special and very happy ship with a small close knit crew. Your site brings back many memories as a ABRP in After Seamens Mess.

Garry P. Burke
E-mail:  <>

Campbell, Dave

I did two tours in Sioux 1949-51 and 1954-56. By 1954, I was leading Stoker then transferred to ordinance and retired as a  P2WU4A in 1970. Currently live in Victoria where there is continual sunshine and blooming flowers. Best web site I've ever seen.

Dave Campbell, Petty Officer Ret'd.

Clarke, John ABWS

I served on the Sioux from November 61 until she paid off, flying a decom pennant that seemed a mile long as we left St John's NFLD.  Spent a fair amount of time as a Quartermaster during my tenure onboard in both the forward and after seamen's mess. Some of my fondest life memories are of the friendships and the special times I had onboard and ashore.  I remember Captain Tony Law quite well as I seemed to spend a bit of time in front of him on charge for one thing or another.  Always ended up in fives for a couple of weeks but for the most part got what I deserved.



I served aboard Sioux as a stoker from Jan 1959 to May 1961 with Steve Sullivan, Bill (Shady) Lane, Ed Playfair, Swampy Swale, Denny Bea, Ed Crooks and many others. We made a NATO cruise to the British Isles in 1959, leaving Halifax in September and returning on December 11th. We sailed with H.M.C.S. Algonquin, plus two other Tribal's and hooked up with the "Bonnie" near Britain. The four destroyers stopped in Greenock, Scotland,  Londonderry, Ireland, Portsmouth England and then to Antwerp, Belgium. Sioux had to stay an extra day in Antwerp to arrange burial of one of our seamen who died there. Leaving Antwerp, we sailed into the hurricane as soon as we entered the English Channel. We sailed 16 miles per day for three days against 80 ft
waves and high winds. All of our 20 man life rafts, save two, were ripped away by the heavy seas. One raft was blown around the upper mast of one of the Tribals. P.O. Forget tried to save one raft.

I was the laundryman on the Sioux that trip and was employed in pumping spaces until we were taken into drydock at Dartmouth. Sioux had 14 bow plates replaced and the three other destroyers had similar work done. Algonquin's after stokers mess had a foot of water over the deck. That was a cruise I will never forget nor regret.
After leaving the RCN  I joined the O.P.P. and have now retired after serving 31 years as a copper.

Thanks for the memories.
Bill Croshaw (ABEM 1 ret.)


 I served on the Sioux from September 1959 till February 1960. I was on the ship during the famous storm Steve Sullivan is talking about. I only served a short time as I was drafted off after a certain incident with the ship's jeep while we were in dry dock in Dartmouth. Bill Crowshaw who is a friend of mine till this day put me on to this. Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more. I enjoyed the short stay on the Sioux, great crew.

Jean-Guy Desgagnes
Kirkland-Lake, Ontario.

DICK, Floyd

It is a pleasure to see the greatest Destroyer the west coast ever had. I was on the Sioux in 1956 with Cdr. Murdock, a real nice guy. We had one last cruise on the west coast before he was posted to Ottawa in command of a desk. We went up the inside passage to Nootka sound and fished and hunted for two weeks. The ship was awash in oysters, deer, bear meat and the like. I was part of the crew that took her through the canal and delivered the Sioux to Halifax. We stayed on in B Block for seven months and did work ups on the Margaree.

After commissioning we got back to the west coast just before Christmas 1957. In February 1958 five ships left for the far east, The Margaree was one of them under the command of Cdr. Corning. I must state that the Sioux held special memories for me as it had a great bunch of guys for a crew and could out manouver any other ship new or old. The Margaree, for me, left a lot to be desired. The Sioux was a fighting ship, The new St. Laurent class were for coctail parties. I would like to hear from anyone who shipped on the Sioux around this time. One person I have heard from is Bob Lindal an old Sioux shipmate, but that is all.

Keep up the good work.

Floyd Dick....Quartermaster. e-mail:


I served in H.M.C.S Sioux in 1950/51. Would like to hear from former shipmates.
Bill Doyle  <billdoyle(at)>

GOVAN, Brian, F. - London, Ontario

I served in Sioux as a Petty Officer Administrative Writer from 22 January, 1960 to 27 July, 1961. When I first joined, the Pipe would be made to "Clear Lower Decks" [provisions or what have you]. There were 21 Petty Officers in the mess. At Clear Lower Decks, five or six  Petty Officers responed. The rest of us were Supply Branch etc., and such orders did not apply to us.

Soon, thereafter, the order came down that everyone was to be "crossed trained". This was implemented by having all branches work in other fields. I stood watches, in the Boiler Room, Engine Room, Upper Deck, and qualified as a Petty Officer of the Upper Deck. Then as a Second Officer of the Watch. The First Officer of the Watch was usually confined to the CIC [Combat Information Centre]. I loved the job even if it entailed watches round the clock. I think it did the whole ship's company a lot of good and increased the awarness of what the other guy had to do. When I left Sioux at Clear Lower Decks all 21 of us answered the call. The Commanding Officer during my service was Commander L.J. Hutchings.  He was a fine man, a competent seaman and a good administrator.

Brian Govan....e-mail:

Goyder,  David

I have always had found memories of the Sioux as she was the only real destroyer I ever sailed in and that was for two weeks.

My boyhood hero was Captain Johnny Walker and that is why I joined the RCN after my family moved  to Canada. In 1961 or 2, as a Junior Officer at Stadacona, we embarked in Sioux for Navigation training and at some point it was my turn to do the anchorage run. I was first up. Here I was on the bridge of a proper ship actually deciding where it should go!!!  I forgot that we had approached at 15 knots and continued, instead of the ten we had been taught, to run in. Slow ahead at 5 cables did little to slow us down and Cdr Law was going to let me make a fool of myself. Just as we were getting to the let go point, I asked for half astern, it was granted, and we shuddered to halt just where we should have done. My work was checked and the anchor was dropped in the correct position. I was told to report the Captain who to my great relief smiled and told me he liked it done with a bit of dash. Since then I have always had a deep sympathy for the engine room staff who have to put up with twits like me!!

Later that trip Sioux did a full power trial and what a rooster tail, marvellous. There were few as wonderful as the Sioux.

David Goyder,  Southampton UK
E-mail <dgoyder(at)>

Heir,  Albert

To my understanding, my father joined the navy in late 1942 were he served some time with the British Navy. It was shortly thereafter that he served in HMCS Sioux and stayed with the ship until the end of the war.  My father is eighty five years old  (September 2008) and is living in an extended care unit in Kelowna B.C.

Blair Heier
E-mail <bheier(at)>

Holland, Bill  - Esquimalt B.C.

I spent three and one half years on the SIOUX from July 60 until the ship paid off at the end of October 1963. Am also a member of the Chief & Petty Officers' Association located in Esquimalt.

Bill Holland...e:mail:

Hughes, Bill

I served aboard Sioux from Nov '54 to Dec '56 as a LT. (TAS). I was pier head jumped with 10 days notice before she sailed for UN duty off Korea. We were based in Sasebo (ugh), Japan and did patrols off the west coast of Korea up to the border with North Korea. Cold as only an open bridge can be cold!! Visited Hong Kong, Formosa (Taiwan), Okinawa and got nearly to Singapore but turned back because of riots there. UN changed our base to Yokuska which was an improvement.  No email in those days and poor mail service so we were all glad when we sailed for home in Sept '55. Then we turned to training cruises with HMCS ONTARIO and where was the first one to.....Japan!! Also got through the Panama Canal and around the Caribbean. First CO was Gus Rankin. Second CO was Bob Murdoch.

Signed Bill Hughes Rear Admiral (Ret'd).....e-mail:

Johnson,  Lloyd

I have so many memories of the SIOUX from the 1961 Shakedown exercises until I went to the Haida and  Athabaskan from the "Great Lakes" Cruise. I was a Stoker. Sailors like AB Noel, Quinn, Aspinall Carr, Brown; LS Spring, Wilkinson, Finlayson, PO Bennett and CPO Thorne shall always be in my memory. Thanks to all of them. From  a "Prairie" boy to a sailor, I returned to the Prairies as a Power Engineer and retired in Alberta.

Lloyd Johnson   <ironman(at)>

Lavalley, Frank

I may have had one of the shorter careers on Sioux. I was in Electronics school at Stadacona the day that President Kennedy blockaded Cuba in October 1962.

While the Government of the day (Diefenbaker's Conservatives) diddled about what to do, Admiral of the Navy just placed the Atlantic fleet on a semi-war footing and I was drafted that night to Sioux. I believe the complement went from the 240's to 278. Heck of a time finding a bunk. All but two of the Tribals had hammocks. Sioux was one that had bunks.

We took in all lines in the morning and zipped over to Shelburne that day and then to the coast off Massachusetts to count Russian boats, fishing or otherwise. There was a whack of them plus fuelers and motherships for canning. But the most interesting were the low slung oilers that were for the most part Sub tenders of a sort. Then it all blew over.

We R&R'd in Boston one trip in December '62 and on the way to Boston Gardens to see the Leafs and Bruins  I
was told I had been drafted to Cayuga. So all in all about a three month tour. I had the good fortune to sail on three Tribals and all were great ships but Sioux took the prize for something special. Could go like a scalded cat when they flashed up .

I have stayed in touch with one other person over all these years and we (when possible , one of us in Quebec and one in BC) speak fondly of the ship
and the crew.

Frank Lavalley e-mail:>
RCN '59 - '64

Noakes, Brian "Sam"  27986-E

I  served on "SIOUX"  March 24 1954 to March 23 1956 as an ABLM. They were by far the best two years of my five year hitch in the navy. Sure would be great to hear from any old shipmates.

All the best ,
Brian  "
e-mail:  <briannoakes(at)>

Parkin, Bill

I served in the Sioux from her commissioning in 1944 until Aug. 1945 after My son Googled H.M.C.S. Sioux and found the web site. He got quite excited when he enlarged the ship's company picture taken on the foc'sle and picked me out just below the barrel of the 4.7 gun. I still have my copy of the picture in my photo album.I also have a picture similar to the one showing the 5 in Edinburgh. The only one I remember by name is Disher [maybe because of the patch.] It has brought back a lot of memories D Day, Murmansk, rescuing Norwegian residence being harassed by the Germans,the raids on the Von Tirpitz and many more. I have lived in London Ont. since moving from Montreal in 1960.

Bill Parkin ex shipmate aboard H.M.C.S. Sioux
E-mail:  imparkin(at)

SCHENK,  Peter

I was drafted on the Sioux in January of '59 as a O D stoker (my first ship)and was drafted back to Stadacona some time  in August that year. The first three months of the six I was aboard were spent along side jetty three doing a refit so my sea time was limited. I do remember being anchored off St. Anthony Nfld and going ashore to do some clam digging and frying them up in the engine room   In January 1960, I was drafted to HMCS Lanark and sailed on her till August 1963.

Peter Schenk <schenkpeter(at)>

SPOWART, Tom - Welland Ontario

I browsed all over the Internet looking for a model to build but couldn't find a model for a "V" class, let alone the Sioux so ....  I bought a couple of pieces of wood and started building a 30" model.  No plans, just a few photos, a pair of calipers and a fading memory.  It's coming along quite nicely. Think I'll put a sign over my basement workshop. "Spowart's Sioux Shipyard". I'm trying to get as much detail as possible so it will be quite some time before she will be commissioned.

Considerable headway has been made on my model of the Sioux.  The basic hull,  superstructure and mast are complete and now I could use the help of former Sioux crew.  I am lacking detailed photos of different areas of the upper deck. The main thing being the squid mounts.  If anyone has any photos that show different areas of the ship that they could pass along to me I would appreciate it.  My progress can be followed on my website:

The photos are not the best as they were taken with a Poloroid Spectra instant camera which is not ideal for close-in shots.

Tom Spowart....e-mail:  Mapleaf(at)


I live in St. Augustine, Florida and served in Sioux in 1959. While making  the voyage to the UK, NorthernIreland, and Belgium , Sioux encountered  the infamous storm on the return voyage. This was an event that I'll remember for the rest of my days.

I was a stoker at the time and remember the Chief Stoker, "Killer Killey", also the Engineer LCDR Evans, known to the lower decks as "Old Bugeye". A few other names that I remember are Ben Hache, Squeeks Crowell and Dave Recker.  Finding your site has certainly stirred my memory cells. I have finally had to "cry uncle" and swallow the hook. I retired as Chief Engineer from a U.S. flag Tanker called "Valiant" and flew home from the Far East in February of 2001. After 43 years at sea and all the ships I've had under me, "Sioux" still remains in my memory as "The best of all."

Sure would like to hook up with anyone I may have sailed with between 1958 and 1963.

Best regards,
Steve Sullivan ...e-mail:  Sullivan<sulships(at)


I joined Sioux in May 1963 after graduating from Acadia . In the RCN(R) , I  was a sub-lieutenant and has been commissioned for maybe a week  Then .I served in Sioux until she paid off in 1964 . During that time I transferred to the regular force and eventually retired as a commander in 1996.  My cabin mate was Lt Tim Porter (later RAdm) and  the captain was Cdr Tony Law who convinced me to join the regular force .  Also served in Her Majesty's  Canadian Ships Sussexvale,  Nipigon, Ottawa and Provider.

Regards, Cdr Lew Townsend( Ret’d)
E-mail    lewtownsend(at)


Hello! What a great way to start the new (2001) year. To see Beautiful Grey Ghost. I served on her as a stoker in 57. Capt. Peter Chance, CDR Evans was Engineering Officer, Killer Keilly Chief Stoker. The whole crew were a great  bunch of guys. That Ship was noted for a good Crew. I have nothing but good memories.

John John04330(at)


I served  on the Sioux from Jan 20, 1956  to  June 13,  1957 .   Cdr. Murdouk  was the Captain and the Chief Cox'swain was Chief Goucher.  The Chief came from the same town I live in Brandon Manitoba. My next ship was the Fraser. I was on her when she was commissioned June 28  1957.  I also served on the Jonquiere .  I  believe the Sioux was a great ship and I was proud to serve on her.  She had a great crew and everyone worked together.



I served in Ess-10-U-X under Capt. Peter Chance joining her shortly after she arrived in Halifax in 1957 from the West Coast.  Was drafted on board as a Petty Officer 2nd Class  with a Branch/Trade Group of Electrical Detection, Trade Group 4 (PO2ED4).  I was drafted from SIOUX to HMCS St.Croix in either October or November of 1960 after serving in her for nearly 40 months.  During my time in SIOUX I served under under four Captains.   I left the SIOUX with mixed feelings as I was now a First Class P.O. heading for a billet as senior sonar tech in a Restigouche Class Destroyer.  The 38 months of continuos service in SIOUX was the best sea duty I ever experienced in my 32 years of service in the R.C.N /C.F.

Best to you Shipmate. Jack. E. Watson
E-mail:  <jack_watson(at)>

WILLSON, ROBERT  A. - Toronto, Ont.

While I was undergoing my sea training in SIOUX as a first year UNTD cadet in the summer of 1952 we visited Long Beach CA and secured alongside one of the "piers" in the US Naval Station. We had only been alongside a few minutes and the ship's name board,
brass letters on mahogany, had just been put up on the superstructure, near the gangway, when an American sailor, with a heavy southern drawl, was heard to ask,

" What kind of ship is that there S ten UX (S 10 UX)?"

Cdr. Bob Willson (Ret'd)..... email: rawillson(at)

This photo was taken during the week of Guy Fox Day, Oct 31 1944 in Edinburgh, Scotland while these sailors were on leave. Several days later, SIOUX was assigned to escort a convoy to Murmansk.  The sailor in the back row right, with an eye patch, was known as "DISHER" and was very unhappy with this assignment because it meant chopping ice from the ship for the entire journey. In the back row left, is  Ordinary Seaman Norman Leslie Foulis who served with the RCN between 1942 and 1945. Front row center is Albert Heier. Can anyone identify the remaining crew? ( Photo submitted by Don Bjorndahl)

Front Row: (L-R)  John Carmichael Bamford, Bill Parkin and Jack Reid. Back row:  H. Lamoureux and Carman Mather. (From the collection of Bill Parkin via John Parkin)

John Bamford inscribed the following on the back of the photo.  "This is not a picture from the rogues gallery, but a few of us that were staying at the Imperial Hotel in Edinburgh on our last leave!" 

Contributors and Credits:

1) Harvey Bamford <harvey_bamford(at)>
2) Tony Fantillo <ando7779(at)>

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