David Manning - HMS MOHAWK WWI

This was my first scratch-building project.

* 1:72 scale, 1130mm in length.
* Construction started September 14th 2003.  For full construction details, visit my web page
* Last worked on it on October 6th, 2004 (still need to build and fit its external tiller).
* Rust/weathering effect done with real rust from a very old steel wool pad that had gone powdery  and brown.
* R/C equipment is currently 2 channel, Futaba, 29mhz.
* Sails like a dream and is amazingly stable.  She leans out of high speed turns just like the real thing.
*  Will probably build another one soon but a “Turtle back” destroyer with its torpedo tube in the bow.

by Ed Sharples

The original Tribals were a batch of twelve ships built for the Royal Navy between 1905 and 1908 and were the forerunners of the modern class of Royal Navy Tribal class destroyers. Roughly of 1,000 tons displacement, the first five had a main armament of five 12 pounders. The remaining seven carried two 4 inch guns. Names included were AFRIDI, AMAZON, CHURKA, VIKING, MAORI, MOHAWK, NUBIAN and ZULU. These were known as the "original 33 knotters".

At the outbreak of World War I, all twelve were on station with the Dover Patrol and saw action in the Channel and the North Sea. There was one intriguing item to report. While in action against the Germans between 26 - 29th October 1916, HMS ZULU and HMS NUBIAN both suffered damage, one on the bow and the other to the stern. They did, however, make it back to port. During refit, the two ships were severed and the good sections joined together. The resultant ship was re-commissioned as HMS Zubian although no such African tribe of this name existed.

All photos by David Manning,  e-mail: pier72(at)tpg.com.au

In drydock, awaiting the application of more rust detailing. 

Sea trials. 

 Port bow detail.

Mohawk in company with David's HAIDA model which is in progress.

May 2005

For more background on the WWI Mohawk, please visit the web page.

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