Roy Dan Woodward -  Cayuga 218

This model of HMCS  Cayuga was constructed by Roy Dan Woodward of Cannington, Ontario who served in the ship. Roy provides some details about the construction. All photos courtesy of Roy Woodward.


"The model is built on a performed hull from Deans Marine in the UK.  Originally, I bought the whole kit from them only to discover it was an British (Tribal) prototype.  As a result, I was only able to use the hull and a few fittings from the original kit. Because the Canadian Tribals were very different than their British counterparts, the superstructure had to be scratch-built.

This  model is built in 1/96 scale in which 1/16" equals 1 foot. This works out to to length of 48 inches long by about 5 inches for the beam.  Spending about a year and a half in construction, it should have got along faster but I wanted it to be as accurate as possible.  This involved a lot of research which lengthens the construction time.

In 1962,  I served in the Cayuga and many of the pictures used for the model were ones that I took myself including a shot of the business end of the 3"  50.

Close-up photo of the after canopy showing the now discontinued tradition of  "up spirits". The last rum tot was issued in the RCN in 1972. Roy goes on to say "Time flies so fast and one likes to remember the good times one had as a younger person. That's why I incorporated the "up spirits" scene on the after canopy. This scene takes place about 11.35 AM on a warm October morning. The quartermaster has piped up spirits and the crew has began to assemble for their daily rum ration".



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