Courtesy AF2C

  Some Q signals have never made it to the ARRL's official  list. Here are some that many agree would be useful in
  appropriate situations. As with regular Q signals, each   can be a statement or a question, depending on whether
  a question mark follows it.

   QBA - My antenna is BIG!
   QBA? - How big is your antenna?

   QBO - Don't sit next to that guy in the meeting.
   QBO? - Buddy, can you spare some soap?

   QBS - It's getting deep in here.
   QBS? - Did I tell you about the one that got away?

   QCP - I am using Cat Power(From Rotary Cat Power Wheel)
   QCP? - Are you using Cat Power?

   QCW - I am going to whistle Morse Code on FM (or SSB)
   QCW? - Why are you whistling Morse?

   QDR - Damn Right the frequency is busy! (In response to QRL)
   QDR? - Do you have a Receiver?  (In response to QRL)

   QET - Phone home.
   QET? - Has anyone called me from another planet?

   QFH - This frequency is MINE! - go elsewhere.
   QFH? - Is this frequency hogged?

   QHI - I am jumping in quick to say hi, then going QRT.
   QHI? - Are you leaving after only one transmission?

   QLF - I am sending with my left foot.
   QLF? - Are you sending with your left foot?

   QOK - Your last transmission was Okie Dokie.
   QOK? - Was my last transmission OK?

   QPM - Your signal is purr modulated.
   QPM? - Is my signal purr modulated?

   QRC - Warning, rag chewer on frequency.
   QRC? - Are you a rag chewer?

   QWC? - Who cares?
   QWC - I don't care

   QZZ - I fell asleep at the mike.
   QZZ? - Is that a 60Hz hum, or are you snoring?

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