11B Direction Finder
Frequency Range: 400 to 1000 meters

This DF set is similar to the type 11A. It has one shielded transformer instead of three. This changes its wave range to be 400 to 1,000 meters as  opposed to 300 to 4,800 metres for the 11A variant.  Also, in order to control the capacity of the four-wire aerial lead-in, and to eliminate its effect on the sense adjustment, which on certain ships may be considerable, the instrument contains a series condenser inserted in each aerial circuit. The sense resistance also is variable instead of being fixed.

11B Direction Finding Set .(Courtesy Marconi International Marine Communications Company Ltd) 


Contributors and Credits:

1)  Lewis Bodkin  <05bodkin555(at)gmail.com >
2) The Handbook of Technical Instruction For Wireless Telegraphists", Fourth edition. 1929

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Apr 13/20