11G  Direction Finder
Frequency Range: 450 to 1,100 meters


The 11G direction finder is designed for use aboard all classes of  mercantile vessels  as a navigational instrument. . It has approximately the same size and shape a' the type 11F which it is  intended to supersede.. The copper screened teak cabinet of the 11F, however, has been replaced by a sheet-brass box. This DF set is intended for use  with a Bellini-Tosi system.

Also refer to the 11G section in ths Marconi Review documment,

11G schematic. Download to enlarge (Courtesy Wireless Telegraphists)
The Fg6 aperiodic shielded frame aerial can be used with the 11G, DMF2 and DMF3 direction finding sets. (Courtesy Wireless Telegraphists)

Contributors and Credits:

1)  Lewis Bodkin  <05bodkin555(at)gmail.com>2)
2) The Handbook of Technical Instruction For Wireless Telegraphists", Fourth edition. 1929
3) Marconi Review Pub. Vol 1; Oct 1928 to Dec 1929; Issue 5, Pg 9

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