The 18 inch induction coil is a step-up transformer. It has two windings  - a primary of a few turns and a secondary of many turns.  This is called the turns ratio. The windings have a soft iron core to concentrate the mahnetic field which also works the contact breaker or interrupter. The interrupter rapdily breaks the primary current from the battery , thus creating a a voltage  in the secondary whose value is depemdent on the turns ratio of the transformer.

Marconi used this equipment (80% more powerful than the 10 inch induction coil ) to generate high voltage. This caused ionization of the air between the two brass balls (spark gap) thus providing a path for the sparks to discharge to. The oscillations caused by this discharge  excited the aerial and earth system into producing wireless waves.

Circa 1898
Width: 42 inches

18 inch induction coil . In 1898, this example was used at the Needles Hotel, on the Isle of Wight whitch was one of the first two  commercial stations in the UK . (Photo courtesyof  the History of Science and Technology Museum m, Oxford,)

This sample circuit shows the use of the 18 inch induction coil labeled as "I" on the diagram. Click on image to enlarge. 

Contributors and Credits:

1) Lewis Bodkin [05bodkin555(at)gmail.com]

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