APOLLO  Receiver
Photo via E-bay

Type: General purpose, solid state, SSB marine receiver ;  Type N-01-2050-01
Frequency Range: 15 kHz to 28 MHz in ten ranges.
Receiver: Single conversion superhet from 15 kHz  to 1.4 MHz. Above 1.4 MHz, it operates as double conversion superhet.
Feature: 24 programmable preset frequencies.
Modes: CW/MCW/FSK/AM (SSB)/A3A ,A3H, A3J
Power Mains:   105-130 VAC or  210-260 VAC
Manufactured between:  1970 and 1982
Weight: ?
Dimensions in inches: ?
Comments: Although this is a solid state receiver, it is nonetheless the first of the main Marconi receivers used during the transitionary period from tubes to solid state. Apollo was basically a tube design but with transistors substituted for the tubes. At the end of the day,  it really wasn't that good of a receiver.

General view.(Photo by Jason Ingraham)
Filter switch. (Image via E-bay)
Nameplate (Image via E-bay).

Contributors and Credits:

1) http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/marconiint_apollo_gpssb_receiver_n_01_2050_01.html
2) http://us.cactii.net/pipermail/members/2004-November/001292.html
3) Shortwave Receivers Past & Present Communications Receivers 1942-1997 by Fred Osterman.
4) Sandy Blaize ebjr37(at)charter.net
5) Jason Ingraham  <the_doctor31(at)hotmail.com>

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May 27/14