DFM2  Direction Finder Set 
Type:  A new design for DF sets. These include:

1. The use of a small frame aerial.
2. A great increase in the working range.
3. Economy in valve current consumption.

Frequency Range:  450 to 1,100 meters (assumed to the sane as the DFM)3
Valve lineup: 2 x S625;  2x DEH612
Comment:  The frame aerial used with the DFM2 consists of two windings  mounted at right angles to each other on a central stand

DFM2 Direction Finding Set. The receiver is contained in a brass case mounted on top of  a teak box. (Courtesy Wireless Telegraphists)
DMF2 with front panel removed. This example is held by the Science Museum in London. (Science Museum photo) 
The Fg6 aperiodic shielded frame aerial can be used with the 11G, DMF2 and DMF3 direction finding sets. (Courtesy Wireless Telegraphists)

Contributors and Credits:

1)  Lewis Bodkin  <05bodkin555(at)gmail.com>2)
2) The Handbook of Technical Instruction For Wireless Telegraphists", Fourth edition. 1929

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Apr 14/20