Types 1167 A and B  - GUILLEMOT Transmitter
Type:  The  type 1167 Guillemot transmitter and its companion receiver, namely, the Renown, were  released in 1954 for use in small coastal vessels and fishing trawlers. The Guardian type 1193A receiver could also be paired with the 1167.
Frequency range: Six,  crystal controlled channels in the range of 2 to 3.35 MHz
Modes:   A3 (radiotelephone) only .Supports simplex and duplex operation.
Power Output: 14 watts
Modulation: 80%,  anode type.
Mains voltage: 24 volt batteries.; l 144 amp hours. Uses type 785 battery control panel.
Valve Lineup:

1 x KT-66 Oscillator
1 x KT-8 or KT-807 Final Amplifier
2 x KT-66 Modulator.

Variants: There are minor circuit differences between the A and B variants of this receiver. To meet General Post Office requirements the 1167A was modified into a 1167B. T

Made by : Marconi International Marine Communication Company
Trivia: This transmitter was named after the  black or brown-speckled seabird of the genus Cepphus  of northern seas, having a sharply pointed black bill, red legs and white wing patches.


A manual for the Guillemot type 1167 transmitter is available from the Internal Fire Museum at: https://www.internalfire.com/index.php
Follow these instructions to download the manual 

1) Go to the "Technical" menu and select "archive". 
2) Scroll down and click on the "Manuals" Icon

The system then starts to download everything in the archive 

3) Enter "Guillemot" (no parenthesis) into the search box and a single entry appears.
4) Right click on the "Guillemot Radiotelephone" and a menu appears
5) Check the "I agree T &C..." and  "Download" appears below the check box. 
6) Click on "Download" and the process starts.

/guillemot_001a .jpg
Guillemot 1167. (Extract from the Marconi manual) 

Guillemot - front view. Although badly deteriorated, this survivor serves as an example of the type 1167 transmitter. It is believed that this may be the sole surviving example of type. 
Guillemot - Chassis top view #1.
guillemot_003a_ chassis_top.jpg
Guillemot - Chassis top view #2
Guillemot - Under the chassis
Guillemot - Dynamotor
Guillemot nameplate 
All Guillemot photos in this table by Terry Collins,  ZL4TC

The Renown receiver (below) and the Guillemot transmitter (above. The pairing of the Renown receiver, the Guillemot transmitting equipment plus associated DF gear was given the designation of SEAPILOT.  (Photo courtesy Wireless World , July 1954) 

Contributors and Credits:

1) Terry Collins,  ZL4TC.   <terry295@opie.no-ip.org>

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Mar  21/20