Type: Solid state auto alarm
Frequency:  500 KHz only.
Mains power  90 to 135 VAC or 180 to 270 VAC 50/60 Hz; switch selectable. Operation from 110/220 VDC is possible with the use of an inverter.
Weight: 4/7 kg
Dimensions: 88mm H x 483mm W x 28mm D

1) The Lifeguard III is interchangeable with its predecessor, the Lifeguard II,
2)  MIMCo had done away with the meter which registered the number of four second dashes recorded and replaced it with four LEDs. These can be seen on the left half of the panel in the photograph.
3) The Lifeguard includes a provision for controlling the ship's direction finding receiver  (ie Lodestar III or III D) via an Autoguard unit. This feature allows bearings to be taken upon the receipt of an alarm signal.

Lifeguard III photo courtesy Teneo.org 
This view shows the revision level decal alongside the nameplate. This model runs on 220 VAC.  (Image courtesy Marconi Mariner magazine) 

Contributors and Credits:

1) http://www.teneo.org/doc/new/Marconi%20Ship%20Station/Marconi%20Life%20Guard%20&%20Autokey.html
2) Graham Wright, G4FUJ    <graham.wright(at)ukps.ssn.hp.com>
3) Ross Bradshaw [ross.bradshaw@mypostoffice.co.uk]

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Apr 1/20