Type : Emergency motor lifeboat radio station
Transmit Modes: Lookup the mode specs for the Falcon 2T and Salvor III transmitters elsewhere in this web page.
Tx Frequency range :    2182 and 8364 KHz.
TX Power Outputs: ?
Rx Frequency range :150 to 535 KHz and  1.6 to  30 MHz in seven ranges. See Sentinel receiver elsewhere in this web page.
Mains Power input: 24  VDC.   Current draw unknown.
Vintage: 1978. The Salvare 3 was announced as new equipment  in Marconi Mariner News in 1978.

The Salvare 3 radio is a composite radio station. The cabinet on the left houses (top to bottom): storage for headset and key,  a Falcon 2T transmitter and an unknown device below it.  The cabinet at the right (from top to bottom:) : Aerial Switch,  Salvor 3 transmitter and the Sentinel receiver.  (Courtesy Marconi  Mariner magazine) 
Additional info about Salvare 3 can be found here.

In Italian, SALVARE means  to save or  rescue.

Contributors and Credits:

1) Ross Bradshaw [ross.bradshaw@mypostoffice.co.uk]
2) Marconi Mariner News May-June 1978
3) Michael Kerwin <michaelkirwan53(at)gmail.com>

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Apr 12/25