"SALVITA 3 " Life Boat Transmitter
It is assumed that like specs for Savita 3 are the same as that of Salvita 2.

Mode: MCW only
Power output:  1 to 3.5 watts on 500 KHz; 3 watts on 8364 KHz.
Power source: Self contained, hand cranked generator
Technology: All Marks of this equipment usesd valves,
Comment: Not sure if the same specs apply to all three Marks. Mostly used aboard "Bank Lines” ships.
Designators: Also known as Type 1110B and NTS303

Pictured is a Salvita III.(Courtesy ehive.com)
The following extract from  "Marine Radio Manual" by G.L.Danielson & F.C. Mayoh offers
full specifications data on the Salvita III.  Select this link to view the specs. Data provided by Andy Beales VK4KCS.
Andy offers this training anecdote. " I did my training in Liverpool U.K. in the 1960's on Marconi equipment.
I remember the Salvita with mixed feelings.You had to turn the handles at 160 RPM to get the telltale light to come on. It was OK to do that for a couple of minutes but any longer was a real struggle .Being young and silly, we decided to take the College's Salvita down to the Mersey River and chuck it in to see if it floated, as per the book.It didn't, good thing we had a rope tied to it !"
Other Salvita III photos. Download image to enlarge (Photos in this table via E-bay)


salvita unknown 02.jpg
salvita unknown 01.jpg
salvita unknown 03 .jpg
The Salvita radio depicted in this table was  being sold on Kijiji,ca. as a Salvita III.. Unfortunately no other identification was offered other than the Generator nameplate. The electronics in this unit seem to be quite different from the Salvita III at the top of this document. It is entirely possible that the unit in this table is a Salvita or Salvita II. Can anyone confirm? Please contact jerry.proc@sympatico.ca.  

isalvita3  being tested.jpg
Here a Salvita III is being tested. All life boat radios received frequent checks to ensure they will operate in case of an emergency..(BT Digital Archives photo).

Contributors and Credits:

1) http://www.rnmuseumradarandcommunications2006.org.uk/MERCHANT%20SHIPS%20AND%20RFA%20FITS.pdf
2) http://ehive.com/account/3408/object/7628/Radio
3) Sandy W5TVW <ebjr37(at)charter.net>
4) Andy Beales VK4KCS  <adbeales(at)iinet.net.au>
5) Alain  <al1ech(at)neuf.fr>
6) Ross Bradshaw [ross.bradshaw@mypostoffice.co.uk]
7) Clive Kidd

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June 19/24