"Seaguard" Auto Alarm


Type : Automatic alarm receiver receiver
Frequency range: Pretuned to a frequency in the range if 487 to 512 KHz
Modes: CW and MCW
Cira 1954
Mains power: 110 or 220 VAC or AC by using a transformer and rectifier
Designators: Referred to as 1185A and NS703
Comment: This device incorporated a bell alarm which was triggered upon the receipt of the first dashes of an auto alarm signal.  It was the follow-on unit for the Vigilant auto alarm.

/seaguard 02.jpg
 Seaguard equipment. It contains two main units - the receiver and selector.  (Courtesy Marconi Mariner magazine)
Seaguard with receiver and selector units withdrawn for inspection. (Courtesy Marconi Mariner magazine)

Contributors and Credits:

1) Ross Bradshaw [ross.bradshaw@mypostoffice.co.uk]
2) Marconi Mariner magazine Nocember-December 1954

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