Type : Low power radiotelephone
Frequency range: 1.5 to 3.5 MHz
Modes: A3 only
Frequency control: Ccrystal controlled M.O. Six spot frequencies were available.
Power output: 5 watts
Mains power: 24 volts DC (battery)
Weight: 81 lbs.
Dimensions - 14"H x 19.5"W x 15"D
Vintage: 1947Comments: During testing at sea, the following frequencies were used: 1640, 2142.7 and 2218.3 KHz
Seamew radiotelephone. (Photo courtesy Seefunknetz.de web site). |
Seamew operating controls explained. Click on thumbnail to enlarge. (Courtesy Marconi Mariner Magazine) |
For a complete SEAMEW manual, select this link.
Contributors and Credits:
1) Photo http://www.seefunknetz.de/seamew.htm
2) Ross Bradshaw [ross.bradshaw@mypostoffice.co.uk]
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