TF-643 Wavemeter

ALso known as WY-0104
Frequency range:

The four frequency ranges are as follows:
20-37  MHz
 37-70 MHZ
70-130 MHz
130-300 MHz.
The wavemeter comes with four plug-in coils, one for each range.

Alternate model designator: WY-0104 which cross references to TF-643A
Power: Needs 'A' and 'B' battery
Variant : comes as an 'A' model
Comment: The nameplate says: "UHF substandard"  WY-0104 wavemeter"

MODEL 643 UHF Wavemeter #4 WY-0104  MK 1
MODEL 643A UHF Wavemeter #4 WY-0267 MkII
The UHF portion of the radio spectrum spans  300  to 3000 MHz by today's  definition so the word "substandard" could be saying that the wavemeter measures frequencies below 300 MHz.

TF-643A portable wavemeter. The handle on the front panel makes it portable. Each tuning chart woild have been customized for each of the coverage bands

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Dec 3/23