by Jerry Proc

On the 5th of November 2009, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla Parker-Bowles, visited HMCS HAIDA as part of their 11 day tour of Canada. This short account of their visit is based on the information and photos available to your web master.

Upon arrival at HAIDA, the first order of business was the firing of the 'A' gun. Due to a minor malfunction  (caused by gusting winds), the bang made by the charge [1] in the barrel which Prince Charles fired was nowhere as loud as the right barrel fired by Camilla. Just as the Royal couple departed the foc'sle, a sudden wind-whipped rain shower reared its head.

After being received by invited guests standing on the port side, below the break in the foc'sle,  the next stop was the aft superstructure where the couple toured the Captain's Day cabin followed by document signing in the Wardroom. Upon departing the ship, Charles and Camilla made their way towards the waiting public for the usual handshaking and exchange of pleasantries.

In the final phase of this tour stop, Prince Charles dedicated the new motor cutter exhibit and thanked the students who built it.  He walked up the ramp and took the time to speak to each of the teachers and students and to offer congratulations. For both teachers and students, this was a very proud moment and one not soon forgotten.

If anyone can provide additional information or photos of the November 5th event , please contact: . Specifically looking for non-copyrighted photos of the gun firing, the Wardroom proceedings or the motor cutter dedication.

By 11:00,  the public starts to gather in anticipation of the noontime arrival of Prince Charles and Camilla. (Photo by Jerry Proc) 
The limo carrying Prince Charles is the first in the motorcade with the Royal Standard flying from the right fender.  (Photo by Kathryn Knight)
The rest of the motorcade arrives from the previous stop at Dundurn Castle. Everyone would soon experience the rain that would come from those nasty clouds which were forming in the distance. (Photo by Kathryn Knight)
For safety and security, Camilla and Charles arrive in separate limos. (Photo by Dori Proc)
The VIP tent which was set up opposite the public viewing area.  (Photo by Dori Proc)
The Mynarski Memorial Lancaster from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum performs two  flybys while the Royal couple are visiting.  It is only one of two airworthy examples left in the entire world. The other is in the UK.   (Photo by Kathryn Knight)
Leaving the aft superstructure. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
 Being received by Parks Canada staff on the gangway. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
Prince Charles is keeping an eye on the weather as he departs the ship. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
Camilla is making her way past the torpedo cutaway exhibit. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
Prince Charles and his entourage making their way toward the public.  (Photo by Dori Proc)
Meanwhile, in the crowd, artist Dori Proc (web master's wife) holds a copy of Prince Charles' 1991 book HRH Prince of Wales Watercolours and hoping to meet Charles and Camilla. (Photo by Betty Yurgan)
Camilla spots Dori  and comments, "You've got his book." Dori  told the Duchess she admired the Prince's watercolours and hoped he would sign the book. (Photo by Betty Yurgan)
To Dori's surprise, Camilla tapped Charles on the arm and mentioned the book. At that point Charles came to talk to her. Dori has a pen, ready in hand, but unfortunately the Prince does not sign autographs or books.(Photo by Betty Yurgan)
This plaque, just outside of the new motor cutter exhibit, marks the approximately 1 hour visit of the Royal couple. Then it was off to the next stop, the Niagara College Teaching Winery in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Additional information about the motor cutter exhibit can be found here (Photo by Dori Proc)

[1] As a result of the difficulty in obtaining traditional black powder saluting charges as a result of post 911 regulations, HAIDA's saluting charge is formulated in a completely different manner. Instead of black power, a charge is comprised of three balloons filled with acetylene gas. The  balloons are then stuffed into a spent 4 inch brass casing and primed with the same cap as used in a .303 shell.

Reference and Credits:

1) Hamilton Spectator article  on Dori Proc
2) Betty Yurgan    <yurgan(at)>
3) Kathryn Knight <knightk(at)>
4) Dori Proc  <doriproc(at)>

Nov 28/09

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