
Petty Officers mess looking towards starboard. Note that the Petty Officers could bunk instead of using hammocks. (Photo by Mark Yearian) 
Looking towards port. (Photo by Mark Yearian) 
The Petty Offices Mess was located below the Operations Room. This was the area were the departmental  and  mid level supervisors lived. A Petty Officer in the Navy is equivalent to a Sergeant in the Army  Petty Officers were the main link with the crew and they were also the day-to-day departmental supervisors.

But gets a bit more complicated than that. The rank structure changed after WWII. (date unknown). The area with the fridge was the Chief Petty Officer's mess during the war then it became the Chief Petty Officers First Class mess. The other area was the chief ERA's mess and later became the Chief Petty Officer's Second Class mess. During the war there was only one level of Chief PO and one level of PO. After WWII, two levels of each were created . In the space now occupied by the electrical workshop, there was a POs mess with eight lockers.

Contributors: or Credits
1) Parks Canada Staff Resource Manual  2008?
2) Jim Brewer  <snack.235(at)>

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Sept 7/20