
Canadian Ship Batters Enemy
TOKYO (Reuters)—The Canadian destroyer Iroquois today participated in an air-sea attack on the west coast of North Korea.

The Iroquois battered troop and artillery positions on the Ongjin peninsula, with British planes working as spotters.On the Yellow Sea coast, British carrier-based planes destroyed a transformer station and turned a control house intoan inferno with napalm. The attack was part of a concentrated offensive by carrier-based aircraft on Communistpower plants on both the east and west coasts of  North  Korea. In a continuation of Gen. Mark Clark's plan to destroycommunist power supplies, U.S. planes hit hard at three well protected plants near Wonsan on the east coast. Damage in each case was estimated as at least 75 percent.

Corsairs  and Skyraiders bombed the area after anti-aircraft positions had been softened by Panther jets.  Naval headquarters told today how a tiny American rocket ship had a private battle with two 75 mm shore batteries east of Chinnampo last Tuesday. After fighting for some time single handed, the rocket ship got support from the British cruiser Newcastle and the frigate Mounts Bay, who turned their four and six inch guns on the Communist artillery.

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