"TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN"Re -- Desmond Piers Rear Admiral R.C.N. Retired
DSC, CM,CD,DSC, MIL, KCLJIt is my pleasure to write a letter of appreciation of the above named gentleman concerning his service aboard H.M.C.S. Algonquin during W.W.II as commanding officer. Captain Piers was the most efficient commanding officer in the Canadian Navy and that was shown by the Admiralty by placing Algonquin in the Spear Head of the Invasion of France on "D" Day". We all whistled when we found out we were on the point of the Spear Head. There was nothing out front, only guns firing at us. H.M.C.S. Algonquin came through the war safely through many impossible enemy actions and through his seamanship we all owe our lives to this great man who put himself at great risk to protect the convoys that successfully arrived safely to help end the war.
Rear-Admiral Piers has not forgot the members of the crew, which he proudly writes to if they write to him. Once you write to him, he will never forget you as we were all a team.
Kenneth C. Garrett
Leading Seaman Radar 2 (Ret'd)
[Written by K. Garrett on June 6, 1994]