Algonquin And The Storm of 1959 - From Crowsnest Magazine
Algonquin's Brush With Danger  -  by James Whyte
Algonquin's Crew Home for Leave - Newpaper clip
Algonquin's Navigator Speaks Out - by Peter Magwood
Algonquin's Last Hurrah - by Peter Magwood
Algonquin Rescues Nabob Crew - Edited by Jerry Proc
Algonquin's Storm : A Personal View - By Donald Dunn, C2WR4
A Note of Appreciation - by R-Admiral Desmond Piers (Ret'd)
A Tribute To Rear Admiral Piers - by Ken Garrett, LSR2
Brief History of HMCS ALGONQUIN  - Directorate of History
Christmas 1944 - by Ken Garrett
D-Day Activities of the Algonquin - Author Unknown
D-Day Vet Arrives in France - Featuring Art Frey
Dedication Saves the ALGONQUIN - By Ken Garrett
Desmond Piers As Honourary President - From the South Shore Naval Association
Desmond Piers Naval Association  - by Gerald W. Sigrist
Desmond Piers - Naval Hero Mourned
Exercise '59 - by Donald Dunn
Farewell To Desmond Piers - Newspaper Obits
General Crerar Tours The 276 Office - By Ken Garrett
HMCS ALGONQUIN 1954-56 - by V-Admiral R.L. Hennessy (Ret'd)
Jet Fighter and Other Recollections - by Donald Dunn
Latham "Yogi" Jenson - A Brief Biography
Memories of D-Day Eve - by Ken Garrett
Operation Neptune - by R-Admiral Desmond Piers (Ret'd)
Operation Neptune - A Sailor Remembers - by Andy Irwin
Remembering DDE224 - by Peter Magwood
Rock On, Algonquin  - by Peter Magwood
Salty Dips  - by Ken Garrett
Sunny Side Up? - by Jack Misener
The 276 Radar Set - by Derek Howse. Edited by Jerry Proc
The Diary of a Proud Canadian by Real Joseph DeGuire
Unlucky Albernie - by Ken Garrett

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