AN/FPQ-10 Radar System


The Sperry tracking radar, AN/FPQ-10, has the following characteristics:

Type: Monopulse, missile range instrumentation tracking radar.
Power: 1 megawatt peak. There were losses in the waveguide but were more than compensated by the +23 db (or so) gain of the antenna.
Frequency Low: 5,400 MHz
Frequency High: 5,900 MHz
Pulse Width: Selectable - 0.25 or 0.5 or 1µs
Antenna Gain: 43 dBi
PRF: 160 or 640
Azimuth: 0 to 360 degrees
Elevation: -5 to +185 degrees
Range: 200 miles
Vintage: mid 1960's
Manufactured by: Sperry Gyroscope , Great Neck, N.Y. Sperry was a division of the Sperry  Rand Corporation.
Comment: For AN/FPQ-10,   F means  a fixed installation; P means radar; Q is for special or combination types; 10 is a specific model

The main purpose of the FPQ-10 radar was weather balloon tracking. Navigational use was secondary. Often, an aircraft would request a position report  to check their navigation.  If no balloon launch was operating, it would be done.  If an aircraft checked in just to say hello (or what ever) , the operator may go lookimg for him, track him, and then compare notes with the pilot.  It was surprising how accurate the Sperry FPQ-10 was.  It took in the curvature of the earth in the calculations.  Sometimes it was hard to locate aircraft as the beam width was very narrow.


fpq10_dish without radome.jpg This image, taken from a Sperry ad, shows the radar antenna without its protective radome. When Vancouver and Quadra were paid off, the Point Mugu (California) people came up with some big trucks and took all the FPQ-10 gear away to support their tracking installation  .Click on image to enlarge. (Image via Frank Statham)
fpq10_01_feed horn1.jpg Antenna feed horn . Photo #1. Click on image to enlarge.  (Submitted by Frank Statham)
fpq10_feed horn2.jpg Antenna feed horn . Photo #2. Click on image to enlarge.  (Submitted by Frank Statham)
/fpq10_dome_installation.jpg Radome being installed. Click on image to enlarge.(Picture by Jack Cain)
wx_fpq10_radome_maintenance.jpg Enlargement of previous photo. (Picture by Jack Cain)

Clearly visible are the two cabinets on either side of the base assembly. One was for the transmitter and waveguide while the other was for the receiver components.  The two elevation motors are on either side of the open hatch (black rectangle).  Curiously,  the elevation motors were not geared—it was direct drive, as was the azimuth motor.  The slip ring assembly must have had a few dozen segments.

/fpq10_radome1.jpg Closeup of the FPQ-10 radome   Click on image to enlarge.  (Submitted by Frank Statham)

/fpq10_antenna Dry
AN/FPQ-10 - One of the two weather ships is in drydock.
/fpq10_Dish Pedestal.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 dish pedestal
fpq10_Dish Feed.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 Waveguide feed to dish
AN/FPQ-10 - PP! Display
fpq10_PPI Display Interior.JPG
AN/FPQ-10   Interior of PPI cabinet
AN/FPQ-10 - maintenance panel 
This photo shows the complete AN/FPQ-10/. In this staged photo of course. Dan Miller (L) and Tony Leppard (R) are a bit frustrated with the FPQ-10 computer. In reality, it was quire reliable. The shelf below the computer with the black bar (actually lights) was the box which took the coarse and fine 400 Hz synchro data from the Mk19 gyro and electromagnetic speed log and converted it to binary.  (Azimuth, roll, pitch and speed.).  This data was fed into the computer to remove ship's motion from the motion of the radar target and thus obtain  true target motion.

The computer was full of Resistor-Transistor-Logic (RTL)  During training, students chased all through it. It w as amazing  at the human thought that went into designing the FPQ-10 back in the early 1960's

All photos in this table by Frank Statham

/fpq10_Operating Position1_v2.jpg
AN/FPQ-10 Control Panel #1. The dual trace scope on the operator's position provided a standard "A" display on one line and on the other a "range gate". This is where the operator sat to acquire the balloon and set the radar into auto-track mode.  All functions of the radar were controlled from this console. The 'A' scope was one of the standard Tektronix models and It was rack mounted, Control Panels, designated here as # 1 and #2, worked in conjunction with each other. 
fpq10_Operating Position 3.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 Control Panel #2. The long vertical paddle on the left moved the acquisition (from the Ranger) gate out to the target, both of which would be seen on the scope.  The rotary knob on the lower right inserted some receiver attenuation, as the return from a close in target would be very strong.  One of the buttons controlled a waveguide shutter to attenuate the receive signal even further. The receiver had an excellent automatic frequency control, much better than really needed.
/fpq10_waveguide_ matrix.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 This waveguide matrix is cool but why so much of it ? 
/fpq10_Transmitter Pulse Shaping.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 transmitter. The magnetron is located at the top center of this photograph. 
/fpq10_Transmitter Thyratron.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 modulator stage in the transmitter. The modulator contains an energy-storing device which accumulates energy during the interval between transmitted pulses. When the modulator is triggered by a timing pulse, it delivers the stored energy to the transmitter tube (magnetron)  in a short pulse of high  power..
All photos in this table by Frank Statham

fpq10_Ranger Cabinet 1.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 ranger cabinet The ranger cabinet did some of the target tracking.
fpq10_Dish RX Cabinet.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 receiver cabinet
fpq10_Dome Safety Switches.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 radome safety switches. 
/fpq10_Pressurization System 2.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 - Radome pressurization system control panel. 
fpq10_Dome Vent.JPG
AN/FPQ-10 - radome ventilation fan
All photos in this table by Frank Statham
Frank Statham offers the following on the AN/FPQ-10. "The Ranger cabinet did some of the target tracking.  The dual trace scope on the operator's position provided a standard "A" display (range and amplitude) on one line and on the other, a "range gate" which was a pulse a few microseconds wide.  The operator would slide the range gate so it bracketed the received video, using the paddle control  and then pressed the TRACK button.  From that point on, the gate would follow the target's range automatically and deliver that data to the computer.  The Ranger used resistor transistor (RTL logic gates .  Because RTL would only have a couple of gates inside each  DIP ( dual in-line package)  any sort of high level logical function took up a lot of space, hence a whole cabinet.  The connections in the Ranger cabinet were thus comprised with wire wrap connections.

There was a cabinet under the computer which took the 400 Hz synchro information (coarse and fine) from the Mk19 gyro and dish.  The computer of course, required digital inputs so these sine wave signals had to be translated into bits.  It of course used discrete chips similar to the Ranger and t was full of boards.  On the training course, we bit chased signals through it and came out exhausted.

The computer now had range plus space stabilized bearing and elevation.  From that it crunched the numbers to provide target data.  The operator could manually move the dish by the hand wheels visible at the front of the PPI display.  One for elevation and one for the bearing.

The radar was called an orthogonal mode tracker.  The dish feed, out at the focal point, was composed of five rectangular waveguide horns, four on each side of the centre horn.  The transmit energy came out of the center horn and any target energy would be funneled into the other four horns.  If the target was a bit higher than the antenna's boresight the received energy would impinge on the topmost of the four receive horns before entering the bottom horn.  That small time difference was the clue needed by the computer to feed a signal into the servo system to tilt the antenna up a bit more.  The four receive horns were fed via coax, one to each side of a chamber, in which a small antenna probe rotated, sampling each horn in turn.  Since the computer knew which horn was being sampled, and the level of the signal at that point, it computed which way to move the dish to keep it on target.  The receiver cabinet reflected this complexity.

There was an electronics equipment room above the Radio Operations room.  It housed the VHF and UHF air/ground radios, the telephone exchange, other similar gear and the green racks of Sperry FPQ-10 electronics.  Basically the equipment was configured in two rows, facing each other athwart ships.  The After row was the comm gear, and the forward row had the Sperry FPQ-10 green racks.  The Sperry transmitter rack was the end closest to the port side, with the Ranger cabinet furthest away towards the starboard side.  Next to the transmitter cabinet but mounted on the bulkhead was the power distribution panel and just visible to the right of the panel is a doorway covering the access ladder up to the dome.  Situated in the Meteorological office was the radar operating position and computer.  Above the equipment room (if I remember the location correctly) was the motor/generator room which took the servo signals from the operating position and positioned the antenna.  It also contained the pressurization system".


Frank also describes the configuration of the weather balloon.

"The balloon carried a radiosonde to collect meteorological information.  The radar reflector dangled farthest from the balloon and the radiosonde was positioned closer to the balloon.  There was some concern about the corners of the radar reflector piercing the balloon as it swung in the wind. At the same time the balloon was ascending, it was also increasing in size due to less air pressure in the upper atmosphere. . However. there was a simple ratcheting mechanism to pay out more cord as the balloon rose to get the reflector and radiosonde farther away from the balloon. The ratcheting mechanism would extend the distance between the reflector and the balloon by several yards. The danger was taht of the reflector being blown into the balloon and deflating it.

Balloon runs would end when the balloon  burst. The 'A' scope display would rapidly oscillate in amplitude indicating that the reflector was tumbling. Before launch, it took an almost an hour for the "met lads" to carefully calibrate the radiosonde.  On occasion, and upon being launched off the stern, the weather balloon, lost lift and was momentarily dunked into the ocean before continuing its ascent. One can only imagine the looks of concern from the met people whenever this event occurred. Since none of the sounding gear could be retrieved after use, the ship had to carry a 6 week supply of radar reflectors, radiosonodes, balloons and hydrogen gas.

In 1968 there were four balloon launches per day at six hour intervals. This dropped to two per day by 1976. Most balloons reached an altitude of  115,000 to 120,000 feet. In 2021, weather balloons are launched across Canada  from Port Hardy, BC., Prince George B.C. and  Arctic stations.


The optical tracker was a device to help the FPQ-10 radar acquire the balloon immediately after release.  Close in, radar operators had to deal with side lobes and sea clutter etc and it often took some time to find the balloon.  The optical tracker was eventually removed because it was not possible to see the balloon in the dark and no one wanted to venture out into the cold wind or rain to use it.  However, the operators got very proficient and located the balloon with the hand controllers which were part of the radar system".

fpq10_optical tracker.jpg
The optical tracker was used to track the weather balloon immediately upon release. It was likely tied into the servo system to help the radar acquire the balloon.This example has some missing parts. Eventually, the trackers  were removed from Quadra and Vancouver. (Photo by by Frank Statham)

The computer used in the FPQ-10 had a word length of 21 bits (which is a bit unusual) with the most significant bit being on the left side of the word. Memory complement was 4,000 words of core memory. It used a very simple but limited  instruction set.  There were very few instructions available to do all the calculations. About 13 in total. Here are some of them:

TRA – Transfer
TRM – Transfer on minus
MLY – Multiply
ADD – Add
SUB – Subtract
NOP – No operation
IO - ?

There was no divide instruction. You had to develop a subroutine if you wanted to divide.

/fpq10_memory_unit1.jpg Two views of the Computer Memory Unit (CMU). One of these was a spare parts unit. Click on image to enlarge.  (Photo by Jack Cain) 
fpq10_memory_unit2.jpg View of the CMU 4k word  core plane. Click on image to enlarge. (Photo by Jack Cain) 

Control console with the Nixie tubes illuminated.  At the left was Elevation. Right was Azimuth and center was Range.  There was likely a control to switch between using a ship's heading as a reference, or true north as a reference.

Some wise guy left the wreath on the control console when personnel were dealing with a particularly knotty problem with the radar system. .( Photo by by Frank Statham)


The radiosonde is a small instrument package that is suspended below a balloon filled with either hydrogen or helium. As the radiosonde is carried aloft it basically measures pressure, temperature, and relative humidity.

Through international agreement, the 400 to 406 MHz and 1675 to 1700 MHz bands  of the electromagnetic spectrum are reserved exclusively for these tiny airborne weather stations to radio their findings back to a ship or a ground station. Regardless of the model, radiosonodes were tracked with  radar.

There were at least two types of radiosonodes used on Quadra (launched 1967) and Vancouver (launched 1965) so chronology  must be taken into account. In 1963, VIZ (107 MHz) radiosonodes were introduced into Ocean Station Papa  to replace the old Canadian designed Chrometeric radiosonodes.  By 1974, Ocean station Papa was converted from 107 to  403 MHz radiosonodes. Radiosonodes were  built by Valcom in Guelph, Ontario under contract to the VIZ Mfg.Company located in Philadelphia.VIZ also manufactured radiosondes for National Weather Service  and the US military.

These older radiosondes were much bulkier and heavier than today's instruments.  They used vacuum tubes which were  powered by a bulky 115V battery.  This battery was activated by submersing it in water for 2 minutes.  It could give you quite a jolt if you accidentally touched the contacts.  Temperature and humidity sensors were pretty crude by modern standards.  A temperature sensor consisted of a thermistor which was a temperature sensitive resistor.  It was also bulky and very sensitive to solar radiation at high levels. The humidity sensor used a carbon hygristor, whose resistance varied with humidity. While it might have been crude by today’s standards, it was quite an upgrade to the lithium-chloride hygristor that was used in the 1960’s.

The aneroid operated a penarm that traveled across a commutator bar as the sonde ascended.  The bar was calibrated so that you knew what the pressure was at a given contact point.  The bar switched the active sensor back and forth from temperature and humidity as it ascended.

wxship_radson1.jpg wxship_radson2.jpg wxship_radson3.jpg
This is an example (circa 1982)  of radiosonode for the 400 MHz band. It is not known of this exact model was used aboard Quadra/Vanciyver but it should be close enough,  Click on amy image to enlarge. (Photos courtesy of the Radiosonode  Museum)
The meteorology  tech sat at a rack containing the receiver and a 8-10 inch wide strip recorder.  The paper strip came out on a surface that was  suitable for writing on.  As the balloon ascended he would write notes on the paper.  The received signal was just a series of rough buzzes.  Internally, the radiosonode had a barometer with a arm which wiped across a series of different contacts as the pressure changed.

Terry Sampson provides some additional details about radiosonode operation.

"The radiosonde received  VLF signals in the 10 to 20 kHz band from Balboa Panama plus two other VLF stations . Then, it re-transmitted all three VLF signals to the Quadra over one UHF radio link   Because the received time relationship between all three VLF signals would remain constant, Quadra's  equipment would then measure the time difference between  the three VLF signals to determine the speed and direction of the wind at the radiosonode. The radiosonode itself would not process any data.

By 1974, the radiosonode sent all if its information  over a UHF radio link in the 403 to 407 MHz band. The VLF receive antenna was simply a piece of short wire. The RF from the UHF antenna did not cause any overload in the VLF receiver."

In 1978, the ADRES minicomputer system was introduced at the receiving point.  Wind data was calculated automatically but a operator had to extract the raw meteorological data,

 This document  summarizes the radiosonode changes whixch occured at Ocean Station Papa.

Credits and References:

1) Frank Statham <fstatham(at)>
2) Modulator
3) Terry Sampson, [Terry.Sampson(at)]
4) Jack Cain  ve7dbk(at)
5) Radiosonode History
6) David Watson <ddwatson88(at)>\
7) Radiosonode Museum of North America

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