RENOWN 1060A  Receiver 
Type: 9 valve superheterodyne receiver. (In the manual, the Description says 8 valves, while the Valve Listing shows 9 valves)
Frequency range: Three MF/HF bands

a) 1.35 to 4 MHz
b) 460 KHz to 1,35 MHz
c) 170 KHz to 460 KHz

Modes:  CW and AM
Mains voltage:  24 volt battery.  Receiver draws 2 amps.
Made by : Marconi International Marine Communication Company

An operations and service manual for the 1060A receiver can be found here.

 RENOWN 1060A receive .front panel (Extract from 1060A manual)


Contributors and Credits:

1) 1060 PDF courtesy Internalfire
2)  Dave VA3QG      [Barbar3380(at)]

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Jan 28/22